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Organization Name



Ron M. Hecht of Raanana (IL)

Ariel Telpaz of Givat Haim Meuhad (IL)

Yael Shmueli Friedland of Tel Aviv (IL)

Asaf Degani of Tel Aviv (IL)

Michael Baltaxe of Kfar Sava (IL)

Andrea Forgacs of Kfar Sava (IL)

VEHICLE TRAJECTORY PLANNING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18171517 titled 'VEHICLE TRAJECTORY PLANNING

The patent application describes a system for vehicle trajectory planning, which includes a polarized camera system, a prior controller, and a driving assistance system.

  • The system utilizes a polarized camera system to generate polarized images of the roadway to be driven over.
  • A prior controller then generates a prior for the roadway based on the polarized images.
  • The driving assistance system provides driving assistance according to the prior generated by the prior controller.

Potential Applications: - Autonomous driving systems - Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) - Traffic management systems

Problems Solved: - Enhances vehicle trajectory planning accuracy - Improves road safety - Increases efficiency of driving assistance systems

Benefits: - Enhanced road safety - Improved driving accuracy - Increased efficiency in vehicle trajectory planning

Commercial Applications: Title: "Enhancing Vehicle Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving Systems" This technology can be utilized by automotive manufacturers to improve the accuracy and safety of autonomous driving systems, leading to increased consumer trust and adoption in the market.

Prior Art: Researchers and developers in the field of autonomous driving systems and computer vision may have explored similar technologies involving polarized imaging for road analysis and trajectory planning.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers may be exploring advancements in polarized imaging technology for enhanced road analysis and trajectory planning in autonomous vehicles.

Questions about Vehicle Trajectory Planning: 1. How does the polarized camera system contribute to the accuracy of vehicle trajectory planning? 2. What are the potential limitations of using polarized images for generating a prior for roadway analysis?

Original Abstract Submitted

A system for vehicle trajectory planning. The system may include a polarized camera system configured to generate polarized images of a roadway to be driven over with a vehicle, a prior controller configured to generate a prior for the roadway based at least in part on the polarized images, and a driving assistance system configured to provide a driving assistance according to the prior.