18170888. DISTILLATION OF DEEP ENSEMBLES simplified abstract (GE Precision Healthcare LLC)

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Organization Name

GE Precision Healthcare LLC


Hariharan Ravishankar of Bengaluru (IN)

Prasad Sudhakara Murthy of Bengaluru (IN)

Rohan Patil of Bengaluru (IN)

DISTILLATION OF DEEP ENSEMBLES - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18170888 titled 'DISTILLATION OF DEEP ENSEMBLES

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes systems and techniques that improve the distillation process of deep learning ensembles. These systems can access a deep learning ensemble and iteratively distill it into a smaller ensemble for inferencing tasks.

  • Systems and techniques for distilling deep learning ensembles
  • Accessing a deep learning ensemble for inferencing tasks
  • Iteratively distilling the ensemble into a smaller one
  • Training new neural networks based on previous distillation iterations
  • Loss function based on neural networks of the smaller ensemble

Potential Applications: 1. Enhancing the performance of deep learning models 2. Improving efficiency in inferencing tasks 3. Reducing the computational resources required for deep learning ensembles

Problems Solved: 1. Overcoming the challenges of distilling large deep learning ensembles 2. Enhancing the accuracy and speed of inferencing tasks 3. Optimizing the use of computational resources in deep learning applications

Benefits: 1. Improved performance of deep learning models 2. Increased efficiency in inferencing tasks 3. Resource optimization for deep learning applications

Commercial Applications: Optimizing Deep Learning Ensembles for Enhanced Performance in Inferencing Tasks

Questions about Deep Learning Ensemble Distillation: 1. How does distilling deep learning ensembles improve inferencing tasks? 2. What are the key benefits of using smaller deep learning ensembles for inferencing tasks?

Original Abstract Submitted

Systems/techniques that facilitate improved distillation of deep ensembles are provided. In various embodiments, a system can access a deep learning ensemble configured to perform an inferencing task. In various aspects, the system can iteratively distill the deep learning ensemble into a smaller deep learning ensemble configured to perform the inferencing task, wherein a current distillation iteration can involve training a new neural network of the smaller deep learning ensemble via a loss function that is based on one or more neural networks of the smaller deep learning ensemble which were trained during one or more previous distillation iterations.