18170001. SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR CONTEXT-BASED USER NOTIFICATIONS simplified abstract (Dell Products, L.P.)

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Organization Name

Dell Products, L.P.


Srikanth Kondapi of Austin TX (US)

Daniel L. Hamlin of Round Rock TX (US)

Todd Erick Swierk of Austin TX (US)


This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18170001 titled 'SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR CONTEXT-BASED USER NOTIFICATIONS

    • Simplified Explanation:**

The patent application describes a system and method for managing notifications on a computing platform based on the user's gaze context.

    • Key Features and Innovation:**
  • Utilizes a heterogeneous computing platform to manage notifications for a user.
  • Determines the user's current gaze context, including the focus of their gaze.
  • Delivers notifications to the user based on their gaze context, avoiding distractions.
  • Queues notifications for deferred delivery if not relevant to the user's current focus.
  • Enhances user experience by delivering notifications in a non-distracting manner.
    • Potential Applications:**

This technology can be applied in various fields such as user interface design, augmented reality, virtual reality, and human-computer interaction.

    • Problems Solved:**

Addresses the issue of distracting notifications on computing platforms by delivering them based on the user's gaze context, improving user experience and focus.

    • Benefits:**
  • Enhances user experience by delivering notifications in a non-distracting manner.
  • Improves focus and productivity by delivering relevant notifications based on the user's gaze context.
  • Optimizes the use of resources on a heterogeneous computing platform for managing notifications effectively.
    • Commercial Applications:**

Potential commercial applications include smart devices, wearable technology, gaming consoles, and productivity tools that can benefit from improved notification management based on user gaze context.

    • Prior Art:**

Prior art related to this technology may include research on gaze tracking systems, notification management systems, and user interface design principles.

    • Frequently Updated Research:**

Stay updated on advancements in gaze tracking technology, notification management systems, and human-computer interaction research to enhance the effectiveness of this technology.

    • Questions about Notification Management Based on Gaze Context:**

1. How does this technology improve user experience compared to traditional notification delivery methods? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology across different computing platforms?

Original Abstract Submitted

Systems and methods are provided for utilizing a heterogeneous computing platform of an IHS (Information Handling System) to manage notifications that are provided to a user of the IHS. Notification that are generated for delivery to the user of the IHS are detected. Using resources of the heterogeneous computing platform, a current gaze context of the user is determined, where the gaze context includes the focus of the user's gaze. Based on the gaze context, the notification is delivered to the user or the notification is queued for deferred delivery to the user, where a notification may be delivered if relevant to the user interface that is the focus of the user's gaze and may be otherwise queued, thus refraining from distracting the user.