18154250. ASYNCHRONOUS CLIENT TO CLIENT TASK MANAGEMENT simplified abstract (Dell Products L.P.)

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Organization Name

Dell Products L.P.


Lee E. Ballard of Georgetown TX (US)

Deepaganesh Paulraj of Bangalore (IN)

Michael Raineri of Westborough MA (US)

ASYNCHRONOUS CLIENT TO CLIENT TASK MANAGEMENT - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18154250 titled 'ASYNCHRONOUS CLIENT TO CLIENT TASK MANAGEMENT

Simplified Explanation:

The system described in the patent application generates task objects and task updater objects in response to a request from a client to execute a task on a processing unit. It then receives status updates from the client upon task execution, maps the updater object to the task object, updates the task object's state based on the updater object's status, and transmits the state to the client.

  • Task objects and task updater objects are created in response to client requests.
  • Status updates are received from the client after task execution.
  • Mapping of updater objects to task objects occurs.
  • Task object states are updated based on updater object statuses.
  • The updated task object state is sent back to the client.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Generation of task objects and task updater objects in response to client requests.
  • Mapping of task updater objects to task objects for status updates.
  • Automatic updating of task object states based on updater object statuses.
  • Efficient communication between in-band and out-of-band clients.
  • Streamlined task execution and monitoring process.

Potential Applications:

  • Task management systems.
  • Distributed computing environments.
  • Remote monitoring and control systems.
  • Workflow automation platforms.
  • Cloud computing services.

Problems Solved:

  • Streamlining task execution and monitoring processes.
  • Enhancing communication between clients and processing units.
  • Automating task state updates based on execution statuses.
  • Improving overall efficiency and reliability of task management systems.


  • Improved task execution efficiency.
  • Enhanced monitoring and control capabilities.
  • Automated task state updates.
  • Streamlined communication between clients and processing units.
  • Increased overall system reliability.

Commercial Applications:

The technology described in the patent application could find applications in various industries such as:

  • Cloud computing services for efficient task management.
  • Workflow automation platforms for streamlined processes.
  • Remote monitoring and control systems for enhanced communication.
  • Distributed computing environments for improved task execution.
  • Task management systems for automated updates and monitoring.

Questions about the Technology:

1. How does the system ensure the secure transmission of task states to the out-of-band client?

  The system uses encryption protocols to secure the transmission of task states to the out-of-band client, ensuring data privacy and integrity.

2. Can the system handle multiple tasks simultaneously and provide real-time updates to the clients?

  Yes, the system is designed to handle multiple tasks concurrently and provide real-time updates to clients, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.

Original Abstract Submitted

A system generates a task object and a task updater object upon receipt of a request from an out-of-band client to execute a task on a processing unit via an in-band client, receives a status update from the in-band client upon execution of the task on the processing unit, and maps the task updater object to the task object associated with the task. The system may also update a state of the task object based on the status update of the task updater object, and transmit the state of the task object to the out-of-band client.