18152587. SENSOR FUSION FOR WELDING QUALITY MONITORING simplified abstract (Hitachi, Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Hitachi, Ltd.


Quan Zhou of West Bloomfield MI (US)

SENSOR FUSION FOR WELDING QUALITY MONITORING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18152587 titled 'SENSOR FUSION FOR WELDING QUALITY MONITORING

Simplified Explanation: The patent application involves using sensor data from a robotic welding process to predict internal and surface parameters of a weld seam, as well as the quality of the weld. The parameters are then used to modify the welding process for better results.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Utilizes thermal imaging data from sensor data in a robotic welding process.
  • Executes a machine learning model to predict internal and surface parameters of a weld seam.
  • Predicts the quality of the weld based on the predicted parameters.
  • Modifies parameters of the welding process based on the predicted quality and parameters.

Potential Applications: This technology can be applied in various industries that use robotic welding processes, such as automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the need for real-time monitoring and adjustment of welding processes to ensure high-quality welds.


  • Improves the quality of welds in robotic welding processes.
  • Enhances efficiency by predicting and adjusting parameters in real-time.
  • Reduces the need for manual intervention in the welding process.

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications include automated welding systems for industries like automotive manufacturing, shipbuilding, and construction.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior art related to machine learning in welding processes, robotic welding technology, and quality control in welding.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers are continuously exploring advancements in machine learning models for predicting weld quality and parameters in robotic welding processes.

Questions about Robotic Welding Technology: 1. How does machine learning improve the quality of welds in robotic welding processes? 2. What are the key parameters that can be predicted using sensor data in a welding process?

Original Abstract Submitted

Systems and methods described herein involve intaking sensor data associated with an arc weld from a robotic welding process, the sensor data involving thermal imaging data; executing a machine learning model on the sensor data, the machine learning model configured to output predicted internal parameters of a weld seam of the arc weld, predicted surface parameters of the weld seam of the arc weld, and a predicted quality of the arc weld associated with the predicted internal parameters and the predicted surface parameters; and modifying parameters of the robotic welding process of the arc weld based on the output predicted quality, the output predicted internal parameters, and the predicted surface parameters.