18148907. CARRIER AGGREGATION COMBINATION GENERATOR simplified abstract (T-Mobile USA, Inc.)

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Organization Name

T-Mobile USA, Inc.


Benjamin Woodrow Sellers of Seattle WA (US)

William M. Shvodian of McLean VA (US)

CARRIER AGGREGATION COMBINATION GENERATOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18148907 titled 'CARRIER AGGREGATION COMBINATION GENERATOR

The abstract describes a method for submitting a carrier aggregation combination to be standardized by a standards organization, which includes evaluating the combination and determining fallback options.

  • A carrier aggregation combination, involving at least two carriers for data transmissions, can be submitted for standardization.
  • A band combination engine evaluates the combination and determines fallback options in case carriers are lost.
  • The engine also identifies the standardization statuses of the fallback combinations, whether they have been standardized or need to be submitted.

Potential Applications: - Telecommunication networks - Mobile data transmissions - Standards organizations

Problems Solved: - Standardizing carrier aggregation combinations - Ensuring fallback options for lost carriers

Benefits: - Improved efficiency in data transmissions - Enhanced reliability in network connectivity

Commercial Applications: Title: "Enhancing Network Connectivity with Standardized Carrier Aggregation Combinations" This technology can be utilized by telecommunications companies to optimize data transmissions and improve network performance, potentially leading to better customer satisfaction and increased competitiveness in the market.

Questions about Carrier Aggregation Standardization: 1. How does the band combination engine determine fallback options for carrier aggregation combinations? The band combination engine automatically evaluates the submitted combination and identifies potential fallback combinations that could be used if certain carriers are lost during data transmissions.

2. What are the benefits of standardizing carrier aggregation combinations for telecommunication networks? Standardizing carrier aggregation combinations can lead to improved network efficiency, enhanced data transmission speeds, and increased reliability in network connectivity, ultimately benefiting both users and network operators.

Original Abstract Submitted

An entity may submit a carrier aggregation (CA) combination, such as a CA combination that includes at least two carriers that can be used for data transmissions by user equipment and a telecommunication network, to be standardized by a standards organization. A band combination engine can be configured to evaluate the CA combination that is to be submitted for standardization, for example by automatically determining a set of fallback CA combinations that could be used if different carriers of the CA combination were to be lost. The band combination engine can also automatically determine standardization statuses of the fallback CA combinations, to identify whether the fallback CA combinations have already been standardized, have already been submitted for standardization, or should be submitted for standardization along with the CA combination itself.