18148050. DISPLACEMENT EFFICIENCY CALIBRATION COLLAR simplified abstract (Saudi Arabian Oil Company)

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Organization Name

Saudi Arabian Oil Company


Dautmammet Rejepov of Abqaiq (SA)

Syed Muhammad Ali of Abqaiq (SA)

Yassar Kamal Zia of Abqaiq (SA)

DISPLACEMENT EFFICIENCY CALIBRATION COLLAR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18148050 titled 'DISPLACEMENT EFFICIENCY CALIBRATION COLLAR

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a system designed to displace cement in the annulus of a well, consisting of a casing string, a wiper plug, a float collar, and a displacement efficiency calibration collar.

  • The system includes a casing string with a casing outer circumferential surface that defines the boundary of the annulus.
  • A wiper plug is used to follow the displacement of the cement in the annulus.
  • A float collar allows the cement to pass downward with respect to a surface.
  • A displacement efficiency calibration collar controls the volume of cement displaced in the annulus and includes a calibration shearing disc.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Casing string with outer circumferential surface.
  • Wiper plug for displacing cement.
  • Float collar for downward passage of cement.
  • Displacement efficiency calibration collar with shearing disc.

Potential Applications: The system can be used in oil and gas well construction to displace cement effectively in the annulus.

Problems Solved: The system addresses the challenge of displacing cement efficiently in the annulus of a well during construction.


  • Improved cement displacement.
  • Enhanced well construction efficiency.

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications include oil and gas well drilling and construction operations.

Prior Art: Readers can start searching for prior art related to cement displacement systems in oil and gas well construction.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in cement displacement technology in oil and gas well construction.

Questions about Cement Displacement Systems: 1. What are the key components of a cement displacement system? 2. How does the displacement efficiency calibration collar improve cement displacement in the annulus?

Original Abstract Submitted

A system displacing cement in an annulus of a well is disclosed. The system includes a casing string with a casing outer circumferential surface, wherein the casing outer circumferential surface delineates a boundary of the annulus and a wiper plug, wherein the wiper plug is placed to follow the displacement of the cement in the annulus. Further, the system includes a float collar, having an outer circumferential surface delineated by the inner circumferential surface of the casing string, configured to allow the cement to pass downward with respect to a surface, and a displacement efficiency calibration collar, having an outer circumferential surface delineated by the inner circumferential surface of the casing string, configured to control volume of the cement displaced in the annulus, wherein the displacement efficiency calibration collar includes a calibration shearing disc.