18145497. INTEGRATED BALUN AND FILTER simplified abstract (Texas Instruments Incorporated)

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Organization Name

Texas Instruments Incorporated


Yao Yu of San Jose CA (US)

Hassan Omar Ali of Murphy TX (US)

Ting-Ta Yen of San Jose CA (US)

Swaminathan Sankaran of Allen TX (US)

INTEGRATED BALUN AND FILTER - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18145497 titled 'INTEGRATED BALUN AND FILTER

The abstract of the patent application describes an integrated circuit that includes a filter with first and second filter terminals, a first inductor, a resonator, and a second inductor magnetically coupled to the first inductor.

  • Simplified Explanation:

An integrated circuit has a filter with inductors and a resonator, along with a second inductor that is magnetically coupled to the first inductor.

  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Integrated circuit with a filter and inductors - Resonator for filtering signals - Magnetic coupling between inductors for improved performance

  • Potential Applications:

- Wireless communication devices - Signal processing systems - Radio frequency applications

  • Problems Solved:

- Signal interference - Noise reduction - Improved signal quality

  • Benefits:

- Enhanced signal filtering - Improved signal integrity - Better overall performance

  • Commercial Applications:

Title: "Advanced Signal Filtering Technology for Wireless Communication Devices" This technology can be used in smartphones, IoT devices, and other wireless communication systems to improve signal quality and reduce interference, leading to better overall performance and user experience.

  • Prior Art:

Readers can explore prior art related to integrated circuit design, signal filtering, and inductor coupling in the field of electronics and telecommunications.

  • Frequently Updated Research:

Stay informed about the latest advancements in integrated circuit design, signal processing, and wireless communication technologies to enhance your understanding of this innovative technology.

Questions about Signal Filtering Technology: 1. How does the magnetic coupling between inductors improve signal filtering performance? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology in real-world applications?

Original Abstract Submitted

In one example, an integrated circuit comprises a filter having first and second filter terminals. The filter includes a first inductor coupled between the first and second filter terminals. The filter further includes a resonator coupled between the first and second filter terminals. A second inductor is coupled between differential terminals and is magnetically coupled to the first inductor.