18118289. GENERATING A LIGHTING SYSTEM ANALYSIS simplified abstract (Honeywell International Inc.)

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Organization Name

Honeywell International Inc.


Sreekanth Sangap Venugopal Naidu of Bengaluru (IN)

James Llewellyn Van Brampton of Krefeld (DE)

Vipin Das E K of Bengaluru (IN)

Rajesh Babu Nalukurthy of Atlanta GA (US)

GENERATING A LIGHTING SYSTEM ANALYSIS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18118289 titled 'GENERATING A LIGHTING SYSTEM ANALYSIS

Simplified Explanation

This patent application describes devices, systems, and methods for analyzing a lighting system in a facility using a computing device. The device connects to an emergency lighting system, retrieves lighting information, and generates a lighting system analysis based on the retrieved data.

  • The patent application involves a computing device with a memory and processor.
  • The device connects to a lighting device in an emergency lighting system.
  • It retrieves lighting information about the device.
  • It generates a lighting system analysis based on the retrieved data.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Utilizes a computing device to analyze lighting systems in facilities.
  • Provides a detailed lighting system analysis based on retrieved information.
  • Enhances the efficiency of managing emergency lighting systems.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various facilities such as hospitals, schools, offices, and industrial buildings to ensure the proper functioning of emergency lighting systems.

Problems Solved

  • Streamlines the process of analyzing and managing emergency lighting systems.
  • Improves the maintenance and performance of lighting devices in facilities.


  • Increases safety and security in facilities by ensuring emergency lighting systems are functioning optimally.
  • Saves time and resources by automating the analysis of lighting systems.
  • Enhances overall efficiency and reliability of emergency lighting systems.

Commercial Applications

      1. Lighting System Analysis Technology for Facility Management

This technology can be commercialized as a tool for facility management companies to efficiently analyze and maintain emergency lighting systems in various facilities.

Prior Art

Readers interested in exploring prior art related to this technology can start by researching patents and publications in the field of lighting system analysis and facility management.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on the latest research in the field of lighting system analysis, facility management, and emergency lighting systems to incorporate new advancements and technologies into the application.

Questions about Lighting System Analysis Technology

How does this technology improve the management of emergency lighting systems in facilities?

This technology enhances the efficiency of analyzing and maintaining emergency lighting systems by providing detailed lighting system analysis based on retrieved information.

What are the potential applications of this technology beyond facility management?

This technology can also be applied in other industries where emergency lighting systems are crucial for safety and security, such as healthcare, education, and manufacturing.

Original Abstract Submitted

Devices, systems, and methods for generating a lighting system analysis are described herein. In some examples, one or more embodiments include a computing device comprising a memory and a processor to execute instructions stored in the memory to connect to a lighting device of an emergency lighting system of a facility, retrieve lighting information about the lighting device, and generate a lighting system analysis for the lighting device based on the retrieved lighting information.