18100123. SELF-DESCRIPTIVE SHARED MEMORY FOR METRICS COLLECTION simplified abstract (Dell Products L.P.)

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Organization Name

Dell Products L.P.


Dazhi Dong of Shanghai (CN)

Yuval Harduf of Yahud (IL)

Venoy Qiang Ma of Chengdu (CN)

Xing Chen of Shanghai (CN)

SELF-DESCRIPTIVE SHARED MEMORY FOR METRICS COLLECTION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18100123 titled 'SELF-DESCRIPTIVE SHARED MEMORY FOR METRICS COLLECTION

The abstract describes a method for operating a data storage system to obtain metrics data on performance and capacities, storing this data in a shared memory, and providing it to external users.

  • Storing metrics data in a data region of a shared memory by a metrics data producer.
  • Populating a metadata region of the shared memory with metadata describing the structure of the data region.
  • Reading the metadata by a metrics data collector to tailor access of the data region for correctly accessing the stored metrics data.

Potential Applications: - Data storage systems - Performance monitoring tools - Capacity planning software

Problems Solved: - Efficiently obtaining and providing metrics data - Ensuring correct access to stored data - Facilitating performance analysis

Benefits: - Improved data storage system performance - Enhanced capacity planning - Streamlined metrics data access

Commercial Applications: Title: "Advanced Data Storage Metrics System" This technology can be used in various industries such as IT, cloud computing, and data analytics for optimizing data storage performance and capacity planning.

Prior Art: Researchers and developers can explore existing patents related to data storage systems, performance metrics, and shared memory management to understand the prior art in this field.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in data storage systems, performance monitoring tools, and capacity planning software to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of this technology.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does this method improve data storage system performance? 2. What are the key differences between this method and traditional metrics data collection techniques?

Original Abstract Submitted

A method of operating a data storage system to obtain metrics data describing performance and capacities of the data storage system and provide the metrics data to external metrics users includes, by a metrics data producer, storing metrics data in a data region of a shared memory, and populating a metadata region of the shared memory with metadata describing a structure of the data region. The method further includes, by a metrics data collector, reading the metadata of the shared memory and using the metadata to tailor a manner of access of the data region by the metrics data collector for correctly accessing the stored metrics data.