18099947. Data Center Virtual Machine Disaster Recovery Based on Centrality Prioritization simplified abstract (Dell Products L.P.)

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Data Center Virtual Machine Disaster Recovery Based on Centrality Prioritization

Organization Name

Dell Products L.P.


Boris Shpilyuck of Ashdod (IL)

Igor Dubrovsky of Savyon (IL)

Nisan Haimov of Beer Sheva (IL)

Data Center Virtual Machine Disaster Recovery Based on Centrality Prioritization - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18099947 titled 'Data Center Virtual Machine Disaster Recovery Based on Centrality Prioritization

The abstract describes a system, method, and computer-readable medium for managing and monitoring data centers. This involves identifying process flows, associating microservices with each flow, mapping the microservices, calculating centrality values based on the mapping, and performing recovery operations based on these values.

  • Identifying process flows within a data center
  • Associating microservices with each process flow
  • Mapping the microservices to understand their relationships
  • Calculating centrality values for each microservice based on the mapping
  • Performing recovery operations for microservices based on their centrality values

Potential Applications: - Data center management and monitoring systems - Cloud computing platforms - Network infrastructure management tools

Problems Solved: - Efficiently managing and monitoring complex data center operations - Improving the reliability and resilience of microservices within a data center environment

Benefits: - Enhanced performance optimization - Increased system reliability and fault tolerance - Streamlined data center management processes

Commercial Applications: Title: "Advanced Data Center Management and Monitoring System" This technology can be utilized by data center operators, cloud service providers, and IT companies to enhance the efficiency and reliability of their operations. It can also be integrated into network infrastructure management tools to improve overall system performance.

Prior Art: Readers can explore existing patents related to data center management, microservices, and network monitoring to gain a deeper understanding of the technological landscape in this field.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay informed about the latest developments in data center management, microservices architecture, and network monitoring technologies to ensure you are leveraging the most up-to-date solutions for your operations.

Questions about Data Center Management and Monitoring: 1. How does this technology improve the resilience of microservices within a data center environment? 2. What are the key factors considered when calculating centrality values for microservices in this system?

Original Abstract Submitted

A system, method, and computer-readable medium for performing a data center management and monitoring operation. The data center management and monitoring operation includes: identifying a plurality of process flows; identifying a plurality of microservices associated with each of the plurality of process flows; mapping each of the plurality of microservices associated with each of the plurality of process flows; calculating a centrality value for each of the plurality of microservices associated with each of the plurality of process flows based upon the mapping; and, performing a recovery operation for at least some of the plurality of microservices based upon the centrality value for each of the plurality of microservices.