18092516. MANAGING DATA ON SHUTDOWN OF STORAGE SYSTEM simplified abstract (Dell Products L.P.)

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Organization Name

Dell Products L.P.


Igal Moshkovich of Even Yehuda (IL)

Sudhir Srinivasan of Acton MA (US)

Doron Tal of Geva Carmel (IL)

Yaron Dar of Sudbury MA (US)

Dan Aharoni of Brookline MA (US)

MANAGING DATA ON SHUTDOWN OF STORAGE SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18092516 titled 'MANAGING DATA ON SHUTDOWN OF STORAGE SYSTEM

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes techniques for managing data on shutdown of a data storage system. This involves storing configuration data and performing a data backup process to persistently store a copy of the data to a backup storage system.

  • Initiating a process to shut down a data storage system
  • Storing configuration data associated with the virtual storage layer
  • Performing a data backup process to persistently store a copy of the data
  • Associated with the non-persistent logical storage resources
  • Backup storage system

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various industries where data storage systems are used, such as cloud computing, data centers, and enterprise storage solutions.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the challenge of managing data effectively and securely when shutting down a data storage system, ensuring that important data is not lost during the process.


The benefits of this technology include improved data management, data security, and data integrity during the shutdown process of a data storage system.

Commercial Applications

Title: Data Management Solutions for Secure Shutdown Processes This technology could be commercially used in cloud computing services, data center management solutions, and enterprise storage systems to enhance data protection and security during shutdown procedures.

Questions about Data Storage System Shutdown

How does this technology improve data management processes during shutdown?

This technology improves data management processes by storing configuration data and performing a data backup process to ensure data integrity and security during shutdown.

What are the potential applications of this technology in different industries?

The potential applications of this technology include cloud computing, data centers, and enterprise storage solutions, where secure data management during shutdown is crucial.

Original Abstract Submitted

Techniques are provided to manage data on shutdown of a data storage system. For example, a method comprises initiating a process to shut down a data storage system which comprises storage devices that store data associated with one or more non-persistent logical storage resources of a virtual storage layer which is configured by the data storage system. In response to initiating the process to shut down the data storage system, the method comprises: storing configuration data associated with the virtual storage layer, the configuration data comprising unique identifiers associated with the one or more non-persistent logical storage resources; and performing a data backup process to persistently store a copy of the data associated with the one or more non-persistent logical storage resources to a backup storage system.