18088540. DEVICE AUTHENTICATION THROUGH PROXY simplified abstract (Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC)

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Organization Name

Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC


Justin David Brown of Seattle WA (US)

Luke J. Lenhart of Woodinville WA (US)

Chong He of Redmond WA (US)

Kedar Hirve of Kent WA (US)

Ankur Choudhary of Vancouver (CA)

DEVICE AUTHENTICATION THROUGH PROXY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18088540 titled 'DEVICE AUTHENTICATION THROUGH PROXY

Simplified Explanation:

This software-based authentication protocol allows a client to be authenticated by a server through a host, using mutable authentication data that changes to prevent counterfeiting.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Client authentication through a host
  • Use of mutable authentication data
  • Prevention of counterfeit clients
  • Issuance of tokens for authentic clients
  • Dynamic updating of authentication data

Potential Applications: This technology can be applied in secure access control systems, online banking, e-commerce platforms, and any other system requiring secure client-server authentication.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the issue of counterfeit clients gaining unauthorized access to servers by using mutable authentication data that changes dynamically.


  • Enhanced security in client-server communication
  • Prevention of unauthorized access
  • Efficient authentication process
  • Protection against counterfeiters

Commercial Applications: Secure access control systems, online banking platforms, e-commerce websites, and any other system requiring secure client authentication can benefit from this technology.

Prior Art: Researchers can explore prior art related to client-server authentication protocols, mutable authentication data, and counterfeit prevention techniques.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers are continuously exploring advancements in client-server authentication protocols, mutable authentication data techniques, and counterfeit prevention strategies.

Questions about Software-Based Authentication Protocol: 1. How does the use of mutable authentication data enhance security in client-server communication? 2. What are the potential risks associated with counterfeit clients in server authentication processes?

Original Abstract Submitted

A software-based authentication protocol enables a client to be authenticated by a server through a host. The authentication protocol involves using mutable authentication data that changes to deter counterfeiters from making clones of authentic clients. The host requests a token from the client as proof of authenticity. The client establishes a communication channel to the server using the host as a communication proxy. The client presents mutable authentication data to the server. If the server determines that the mutable authentication data is outdated, then the client is deemed a counterfeit. If the server determined that the mutable authentication data is the latest version, then the client is deemed authentic and a token is issued to the client. Depending on a set of policies, the server changes the mutable authentication data and sends the new mutable authentication data to the client but not to counterfeit clients.