18080441. TASK AUTOMATION AND SCHEDULING simplified abstract (International Business Machines Corporation)

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Organization Name

International Business Machines Corporation


Martin G. Keen of Cary NC (US)

Zachary A. Silverstein of Georgetown TX (US)

Melanie Dauber of Oceanside NY (US)

John M. Ganci, Jr. of Raleigh NC (US)

TASK AUTOMATION AND SCHEDULING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18080441 titled 'TASK AUTOMATION AND SCHEDULING

Simplified Explanation

The patent application discusses a method to optimize the timing of performing a set of tasks based on activity monitoring and performance data analysis.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Derivation of a task pattern based on activity monitoring data.
  • Identification of a candidate task pattern with completion variability above a threshold.
  • Analysis of system performance data to determine the optimum time to perform the candidate task pattern.
  • Delaying the task pattern if it starts earlier than the optimum time.
  • Performing the candidate task pattern at the optimum time.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various industries where task completion time optimization is crucial, such as manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the issue of inefficient task scheduling and performance due to variability in completion times.


  • Improved efficiency in task completion.
  • Enhanced system performance.
  • Better resource utilization.

Commercial Applications

Optimizing task scheduling and performance can lead to cost savings, increased productivity, and competitive advantages in the market.

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior research on task scheduling algorithms, performance optimization methods, and activity monitoring systems.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on the latest advancements in task optimization algorithms, performance analysis techniques, and real-time monitoring systems.

Questions about Task Optimization

How does this technology improve task completion efficiency?

This technology uses data analysis to determine the best time to perform tasks, reducing variability and optimizing performance.

What industries can benefit from this task optimization method?

Industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare can benefit from improved task scheduling and performance optimization.

Original Abstract Submitted

By analyzing activity monitoring data, a task pattern comprising a set of one or more tasks is derived. The task pattern is identified as a candidate task pattern responsive to determining that a completion variability in the task pattern is above a threshold amount. By analyzing performance data of a system used in performing the candidate task pattern, an optimum time at which to perform the candidate task pattern is identified. Responsive to detecting commencement of performance, at a time earlier than the optimum time, the candidate task pattern is delayed. The candidate task pattern is performed at the optimum time.