18071354. Bi-Optic Indicia Reader with Improved Weigh Platter simplified abstract (ZEBRA TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION)

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Bi-Optic Indicia Reader with Improved Weigh Platter

Organization Name



Edward Barkan of Miller Place NY (US)

Darran Michael Handshaw of Sound Beach NY (US)

Bi-Optic Indicia Reader with Improved Weigh Platter - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18071354 titled 'Bi-Optic Indicia Reader with Improved Weigh Platter

Simplified Explanation

The present invention is a weigh platter for use with an indicia reader, designed with a central region including a platter window for light to pass through and a proximal region with a surface angled relative to the transverse plane.

  • Central region with platter window for light passage
  • Proximal region with angled surface

Potential Applications

The technology could be used in retail settings for scanning and weighing products simultaneously, streamlining the checkout process.

Problems Solved

This innovation solves the issue of having separate devices for weighing and scanning products, saving time and space at checkout counters.


The weigh platter simplifies the scanning and weighing process, improving efficiency and accuracy in retail environments.

Potential Commercial Applications

"Integrated Weigh Platter for Retail Indicia Readers" could be a suitable title for this section. The technology could be utilized in supermarkets, convenience stores, and other retail establishments to enhance the checkout experience.

Possible Prior Art

There may be prior art related to integrated weigh platters for indicia readers in the retail industry, but specific examples are not provided here.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology impact the overall cost of implementing indicia readers in retail environments?

The article does not address the potential cost implications of integrating weigh platters with indicia readers in retail settings. This could be a crucial factor for businesses considering adopting this technology.

What materials are typically used in the construction of weigh platters for indicia readers, and how does this affect their durability and performance?

The article does not delve into the specific materials used in the construction of weigh platters or their impact on durability and performance. Understanding these factors could be essential for businesses looking to invest in this technology.

Original Abstract Submitted

At least some embodiments of the present invention are directed to weigh platters for use with in-counter indicia readers. In an embodiment the present invention is a weigh platter for use with a indicia reader having a housing with a lower housing portion with an upper surface facing a product scanning region and an upper housing portion extending above the lower housing portion. The weigh platter includes (i) a central region extending in a transverse plane, the central region including a platter window configured to permit light to pass therethrough, the platter window having a transparent medium having a top surface extending parallel to the transverse plane and (ii) a proximal region positioned between the platter window and the upper housing portion, where the proximal region includes a proximal region surface that extends above the platter window and that is obliquely angled relative to the transverse plane.