18065683. LABELLING WEB TRAFFIC ROUTING TO SUPPORT SOFTWARE TESTING simplified abstract (International Business Machines Corporation)

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Organization Name

International Business Machines Corporation


Sri Harsha Varada of Vizianagaram (IN)

Pavan Kumar Penugonda of Anakapalle (IN)

Akash U. Dhoot of Pune (IN)

Pavan K Manda of Vishakapatnam (IN)

Thomas Chang of Port Coquotlam (CA)


This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18065683 titled 'LABELLING WEB TRAFFIC ROUTING TO SUPPORT SOFTWARE TESTING

Abstract: Computer technology for determining which version of a software service to use depending upon whether the user requesting the service is a beta tester, and if the user status of the user requesting a software service is beta tester then: (a) that user will have the newer, testing-phase version of the software service used to fulfill the software service request, and (b) the user will be given an opportunity to provide feedback on the effectiveness and/or performance of the service to effect the beta testing of the new version of the software service under test.

  • Simplified Explanation:

This technology determines which version of a software service to provide based on the user's status as a beta tester, giving beta testers access to newer versions for testing and feedback.

  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Identifying user status as beta tester - Providing beta testers with newer versions for testing - Allowing beta testers to provide feedback on software service performance

  • Potential Applications:

- Software development companies - Beta testing programs - Quality assurance teams

  • Problems Solved:

- Ensures beta testers have access to the latest software versions - Facilitates feedback collection for software improvement

  • Benefits:

- Improved software quality through beta testing - Enhanced user experience with newer versions - Efficient feedback collection process

  • Commercial Applications:

Title: "Beta Tester Software Version Selection Technology" This technology can be used by software companies to streamline beta testing processes, improve software quality, and enhance user satisfaction, leading to a competitive advantage in the market.

  • Prior Art:

Prior art related to this technology may include existing beta testing platforms, software version control systems, and feedback collection tools used in software development.

  • Frequently Updated Research:

Stay updated on industry trends in beta testing methodologies, software version control systems, and user feedback collection tools to enhance the effectiveness of this technology.

Questions about Beta Tester Software Version Selection Technology: 1. How does this technology benefit software development companies? This technology benefits software development companies by improving the quality of their software through efficient beta testing and feedback collection processes.

2. What role does user feedback play in beta testing with this technology? User feedback is crucial in beta testing with this technology as it helps identify areas for improvement and enhances the overall performance of the software service.

Original Abstract Submitted

Computer technology for: (i) determining which version of a software service to use depending upon whether the user requesting the service is a beta tester, and (ii) if the user status of the user requesting a software service is beta tester then: (a) that user will have the newer, testing-phase version of the software service used to fulfill the software service request, and (b) the user will be given an opportunity to provide feedback on the effectiveness and/or performance of the service to effect the beta testing of the new version of the software service under test.