18065458. Methods for Manufacturing Hat-Stiffened Structures simplified abstract (THE BOEING COMPANY)

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Methods for Manufacturing Hat-Stiffened Structures

Organization Name



Thomas Karl Tsotsis of Santa Ana CA (US)

Andrew Milton Harber of Guntersville AL (US)

Methods for Manufacturing Hat-Stiffened Structures - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18065458 titled 'Methods for Manufacturing Hat-Stiffened Structures

The patent application describes a method for manufacturing stiffened composite skin using a dry preform assembly and resin infusion.

  • A dry, hat-shaped preform is placed into a recess in a lower mold tool.
  • A first set of dry, skin-preform layers is added over the hat-shaped preform to create a dry preform assembly.
  • Resin is infused into the dry preform assembly to create a resin-infused preform.
  • The resin-infused preform is cured in place to form the stiffened composite skin.

Potential Applications: - Aerospace industry for aircraft components - Automotive industry for lightweight body panels - Marine industry for boat hulls

Problems Solved: - Simplifies the manufacturing process of stiffened composite skin - Increases the strength and durability of composite materials

Benefits: - Lightweight yet strong composite skin - Cost-effective manufacturing process - Versatile applications in various industries

Commercial Applications: - "Innovative Method for Manufacturing Stiffened Composite Skin: Aerospace, Automotive, and Marine Industry Applications"

Prior Art: - Prior research on resin infusion techniques in composite manufacturing - Previous patents related to stiffened composite structures

Frequently Updated Research: - Ongoing research on improving resin infusion processes for composite materials

Questions about the technology: 1. How does this method compare to traditional methods of manufacturing composite skin? 2. What are the environmental implications of using resin infusion in composite manufacturing?

Original Abstract Submitted

Stiffened composite skin and methods of manufacture. A dry, hat-shaped preform is applied into a recess in a lower mold tool. A first set of dry, skin-preform layers is applied over the dry, hat-shaped preform to form a dry preform assembly. Resin is infused into the dry preform assembly to form a resin-infused preform. The resin-infused preform is cured in situ to form the stiffened composite skin.