18061566. DIGITALLY CONTROLLED NITROGEN OXIDE (NOx) SENSOR simplified abstract (Honeywell International Inc.)

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Organization Name

Honeywell International Inc.


Prashant Prabhu of Bangalore (IN)

Raghunanda Basavarajappa of Bangalore (IN)

DIGITALLY CONTROLLED NITROGEN OXIDE (NOx) SENSOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18061566 titled 'DIGITALLY CONTROLLED NITROGEN OXIDE (NOx) SENSOR

The abstract describes a nitrogen-oxide (NOx) sensor control system that includes analog front-ends for both the NOx sensor and temperature sensor, as well as a processing system. The NOx sensor analog front-end converts analog NOx sensor signals to digital signals, while the temperature sensor analog front-end does the same for temperature sensor signals. The processing system receives these digital signals and controls the flow of current to a heater element in the NOx sensor.

  • NOx sensor analog front-end converts analog NOx sensor signals to digital signals
  • Temperature sensor analog front-end converts analog temperature sensor signals to digital signals
  • Processing system controls current flow to heater element in NOx sensor

Potential Applications: - Automotive industry for emission control - Industrial settings for monitoring air quality

Problems Solved: - Efficient conversion of analog sensor signals to digital signals - Precise control of current flow to heater element in NOx sensor

Benefits: - Improved accuracy in NOx sensing - Enhanced control over NOx sensor operation

Commercial Applications: Title: "Advanced NOx Sensor Control System for Emission Monitoring" This technology can be used in automotive vehicles, industrial machinery, and environmental monitoring systems to ensure compliance with emission regulations and optimize fuel efficiency.

Questions about NOx Sensor Control System: 1. How does the NOx sensor analog front-end convert analog signals to digital signals? The NOx sensor analog front-end uses specialized circuitry to accurately convert analog NOx sensor signals to digital signals for processing.

2. What are the potential benefits of integrating a temperature sensor analog front-end in the system? The temperature sensor analog front-end allows for more precise monitoring of temperature variations, which can impact the performance of the NOx sensor.

Original Abstract Submitted

A nitrogen-oxide (NOx) sensor control system includes a NOx sensor analog front-end, a temperature sensor analog front-end, and a processing system. The NOx sensor analog front-end is adapted to receive analog NOx sensor signals from a NOx sensor and is configured to convert the analog NOx sensor signals to digital NOx sensor signals. The temperature sensor analog front-end is adapted to receive analog temperature sensor signals from a temperature sensor and is configured to convert the analog temperature sensor signals to digital temperature sensor signals. The processing system is coupled to receive the digital NOx sensor signals and the digital temperature sensor signals and is configured, in response thereto, to: supply the digital NOx sensor signals to an external system, and control a flow of current to a heater element in the NOx sensor.