18059237. System and Method Performing Terminology Disambiguation simplified abstract (SAP SE)

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System and Method Performing Terminology Disambiguation

Organization Name



Tetyana Chernenko of Heidelberg (DE)

Benjamin Schork of Wilhelmsfeld (DE)

Marcus Danei of Plankstadt (DE)

System and Method Performing Terminology Disambiguation - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18059237 titled 'System and Method Performing Terminology Disambiguation

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a method for resolving term ambiguity by referencing a terminology database, extracting sequences of metadata, calculating scores, and determining the final meaning of the ambiguous term.

  • The innovation involves querying a terminology database for possible meanings of an ambiguous term, extracting metadata sequences for each meaning, and comparing scores to determine the correct meaning.
  • The method can handle multiple types of metadata and calculate scores for each entry in a sequence, allowing for a more accurate determination of the term's meaning.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various fields such as natural language processing, information retrieval, and data analysis where resolving term ambiguity is crucial.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of ambiguity in terms, which can lead to misunderstandings, errors in data analysis, and inefficiencies in information retrieval systems.


The benefits of this technology include improved accuracy in determining the meaning of ambiguous terms, enhanced efficiency in information retrieval, and reduced errors in data analysis.

Potential Commercial Applications

A potential commercial application of this technology could be in developing advanced search engines, intelligent chatbots, or data analysis tools that require accurate interpretation of ambiguous terms.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be existing methods for resolving term ambiguity in natural language processing systems or information retrieval algorithms.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology handle terms with multiple possible meanings that are context-dependent?

This technology may struggle with terms that have context-dependent meanings, as it relies on metadata and may not always capture the nuances of different contexts.

Can this technology be adapted to work with languages other than English?

It is unclear from the abstract whether this technology is language-specific or if it can be adapted to work with languages other than English.

Original Abstract Submitted

Term ambiguity is resolved by referencing a terminology database. An input is received comprising the term designated as ambiguous, and a string including the term. The term is posed as a query to the terminology database containing metadata of at least one type. Query results are returned including at least two possible meanings. Sequence(s) are extracted from the query results, each sequence including at least two pieces of metadata of a same type—one for each possible meaning of the ambiguous term. The metadata of each entry of a sequence is compared with the query result and corresponding scores are calculated. The scores are compared to determine a final meaning of the ambiguous term. Simpler embodiments considering one type of metadata (one sequence), may calculate and compare a listing of scores. Complex embodiments considering more than one type of metadata (multiple sequences), may calculate and compare a matrix of scores.