18059013. STREAMED PROGRESSIVE DECODING OF HEIF IMAGES simplified abstract (Apple Inc.)

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Organization Name

Apple Inc.


Leo Barnes of Haiar (SE)

Alexandros Tourapis of Los Gatos CA (US)

STREAMED PROGRESSIVE DECODING OF HEIF IMAGES - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18059013 titled 'STREAMED PROGRESSIVE DECODING OF HEIF IMAGES

Simplified Explanation

Improved still image encoding techniques may involve generating log items and coded tile-layer image data items, with the log enumerating coding quality levels in the image data. The image data items may include different types of items, such as independent-type items, derived-type items of identity variant, and derived-type items with other variant(s). These techniques allow for progressive decoding of images and spatially variable encoding quality levels.

  • Log items and coded tile-layer image data items are generated.
  • The log enumerates coding quality levels contained in the image data.
  • Image data items include independent-type items, derived-type items of identity variant, and derived-type items with other variant(s).
  • Progressive decoding of images is enabled.
  • Spatially variable encoding quality levels are provided.

Potential Applications

Improved still image encoding techniques can be applied in various fields such as:

  • Digital photography
  • Video streaming services
  • Medical imaging
  • Satellite imaging

Problems Solved

These techniques help in addressing the following issues:

  • Efficient compression of still images
  • Enhanced image quality during transmission
  • Adaptive encoding based on image content


The benefits of these encoding techniques include:

  • Faster image loading times
  • Reduced bandwidth usage
  • Improved image clarity and detail preservation

Potential Commercial Applications

The potential commercial applications of this technology include:

  • Development of image compression software
  • Integration into video editing tools
  • Implementation in cloud-based image processing services

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art in this field is the use of wavelet-based image compression techniques, which have been widely used for still image encoding.

Original Abstract Submitted

Improved still image encoding techniques may include generating first items of a log and second items of coded tile-layer image data, where the log enumerates coding quality levels contained in the second items. The second items may include independent-type items, derived-type items of identity variant, and derived-type items with other variant(s). Such encoding techniques may provide for progressive decoding of images, and may provide for spatially variable encoding quality levels.