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Organization Name



Christian Eggenberger of Wil (CH)

Kavitha Hassan Yogaraj of Bangalore (IN)

Aaron K. Baughman of Cary NC (US)

Markus Van Kempen of Toronto (CA)

ORCHESTRATING VEHICLES AND REMOTE OPERATING CLIENTS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18053433 titled 'ORCHESTRATING VEHICLES AND REMOTE OPERATING CLIENTS

Simplified Explanation

The computer-implemented method described in the abstract involves orchestrating the operation of multiple vehicles by replacing a remote operating client with another one, ensuring compatibility with the vehicles, and reassigning control accordingly.

  • Detect replacement need for first remote operating client
  • Identify second remote operating client as replacement
  • Ensure compatibility of second client with multiple vehicles
  • Reassign control of vehicles to second client
  • Provide operation instruction for manipulating vehicles

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in autonomous vehicle fleets, drone swarms, and robotic systems where multiple vehicles need to be controlled remotely.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of seamlessly replacing a remote operator controlling multiple vehicles without disrupting the operation or compatibility of the vehicles.


The benefits of this technology include improved efficiency in managing multiple vehicles, increased flexibility in remote operations, and enhanced adaptability to changing operational needs.

Potential Commercial Applications

The potential commercial applications of this technology include logistics companies managing fleets of autonomous vehicles, drone companies coordinating large-scale aerial operations, and industrial automation systems controlling multiple robots.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art in this field is the use of centralized control systems for managing multiple vehicles or robots in industrial settings. These systems often require manual reconfiguration when replacing remote operators, unlike the automated method described in this patent application.

Unanswered Questions

== How does the system ensure the security and integrity of the communication between the remote operating clients and the vehicles? The abstract does not provide details on the security measures implemented to protect the communication channels between the remote operating clients and the vehicles. It would be important to understand how the system prevents unauthorized access or tampering with the control instructions.

== What types of sensors or feedback mechanisms are used to ensure the second remote operating client's compatibility with the multiple vehicles? The abstract mentions determining compatibility of the second remote operating client with the vehicles, but it does not specify the criteria or methods used for this assessment. Understanding the sensor data or feedback mechanisms involved in this process would provide insights into the system's decision-making process.

Original Abstract Submitted

A computer-implemented method for orchestrating operation of multiple vehicles includes detecting, based on a monitoring of a first remote operating client assigned to control the multiple vehicles, that the first remote operating client is to be replaced. Further, the method includes identifying, from multiple remote operating clients, a second remote operating client as a replacement of the first operating client, the identifying includes determining compatibility of the second remote operating client with the multiple vehicles. Further, the method includes reassigning control of the multiple the vehicles to the second remote operating client, which provides an operation instruction to manipulate operation of the multiple vehicles.