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Organization Name



Bin Xiao of Shenzhen (CN)

Xiaolei Qiao of Shenzhen (CN)

Congchao Zhu of Shenzhen (CN)

Yu Wang of Shenzhen (CN)

Tao Shao of Shenzhen (CN)

IMAGE PROCESSING METHOD AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18024365 titled 'IMAGE PROCESSING METHOD AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

This patent application describes a method for image processing that improves image quality by combining images obtained from different sources.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Method involves detecting operations on screens, obtaining and processing images, and performing fusion processing.
  • Fusion processing combines images using masks to enhance image quality.
  • Solves the problem of losing image detail information from the main-camera module.

Potential Applications

This technology can be used in various industries such as photography, medical imaging, surveillance, and satellite imaging.

Problems Solved

  • Prevents loss of image detail information.
  • Improves overall image quality.


  • Enhanced image quality.
  • Better image processing capabilities.
  • Increased accuracy in image fusion.

Commercial Applications

  • Photography equipment manufacturers can integrate this technology into their cameras for improved image quality.
  • Medical imaging companies can use this method for more accurate diagnostic imaging.

Prior Art

There are existing methods for image processing and fusion, but this patent application introduces a unique approach to address the specific problem of lost image detail information.

Frequently Updated Research

There may be ongoing research in the field of image processing and fusion techniques that could further enhance the capabilities of this technology.

Questions about Image Processing Technology

Question 1

How does this method improve image quality compared to traditional image processing techniques?

This method improves image quality by combining images from different sources and applying fusion processing using masks to enhance details and overall clarity.

Question 2

What are the potential limitations of this image processing technology in real-world applications?

The limitations of this technology may include processing time, computational resources required, and potential challenges in integrating it into existing systems seamlessly.

Original Abstract Submitted

This application provides an image processing method and an electronic device. The method includes: detecting a first operation on a first control of a first screen; obtaining a first image and a second image in response to the first operation; performing first image processing on the first image to obtain a third image; performing second image processing on the second image to obtain a fourth image; and performing fusion processing on the third image and the fourth image based on at least two masks to obtain a fused image, where the at least two masks include at least two of a first mask, a second mask, or a third mask. Based on the solutions of this application, the problem of partial image detail information being lost in an image obtained by a main-camera module can be avoided, and image quality can be improved.