17994226. Data Center Monitoring and Management Operation Including a Microservice Autoscaling Operation simplified abstract (Dell Products L.P.)

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Data Center Monitoring and Management Operation Including a Microservice Autoscaling Operation

Organization Name

Dell Products L.P.


Boris Shpilyuck of Ashdod (IL)

Igor Dubrovsky of Savyon (IL)

Nisan Haimov of Beer Sheva (IL)

Data Center Monitoring and Management Operation Including a Microservice Autoscaling Operation - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17994226 titled 'Data Center Monitoring and Management Operation Including a Microservice Autoscaling Operation

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a system, method, and computer-readable medium for managing and monitoring data centers by automatically scaling microservices associated with process flows based on system resource availability.

  • Identifying process flows with trace identifiers and weighted priorities
  • Identifying microservices associated with each process flow
  • Determining system resource availability for executing process flows
  • Automatically scaling microservices when system resources are insufficient

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in cloud computing environments, large-scale data centers, and distributed systems where resource allocation and management are critical.

Problems Solved

1. Efficient resource utilization in data centers 2. Automated scaling of microservices based on system resource availability


1. Improved performance and reliability of data center operations 2. Reduced manual intervention for resource management 3. Enhanced scalability and flexibility in handling varying workloads

Potential Commercial Applications

Optimizing resource allocation in cloud service providers Enhancing performance in e-commerce platforms through automated scaling

Possible Prior Art

Prior art may include existing data center management systems that involve manual resource allocation and scaling processes. Additionally, there may be patents related to automated resource management in cloud computing environments.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology impact energy efficiency in data centers?

This article does not address the potential impact of the automated scaling of microservices on energy consumption in data centers. Implementing this technology could lead to more efficient resource utilization and potentially reduce energy consumption, but further research is needed to quantify these effects.

What are the potential security implications of automatically scaling microservices in data centers?

The article does not discuss the security considerations associated with automatically scaling microservices. It is essential to evaluate how this technology may impact data security, access control, and vulnerability management in data center environments. Additional research and analysis are required to address these security implications.

Original Abstract Submitted

A system, method, and computer-readable medium for performing a data center management and monitoring operation. The data center management and monitoring operation includes: identifying a plurality of process flows executing on a system, each of the plurality of process flows having a trace identifier and a corresponding weighted priority; identifying a plurality of microservices associated with each of the plurality of process flows; determining when the system does not have enough system resources to execute all of the plurality of process flows; and, automatically scaling each of the plurality of microservices associated with each of the plurality of process flows when the system does not have enough system resources to execute all of the plurality of process flows.