17989580. DISHWASHER simplified abstract (LG Electronics Inc.)

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Organization Name

LG Electronics Inc.


Sung Sik Kim of Seoul (KR)

Doo Hyun Kim of Seoul (KR)

Jeong In Kim of Seoul (KR)

In Woo Baek of Seoul (KR)

DISHWASHER - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17989580 titled 'DISHWASHER

Simplified Explanation

The present disclosure describes a dishwasher that improves drying efficiency by evenly distributing dry air into the tub and preventing concentration of heat energy on specific areas. This prevents a longer dry period for wash targets and avoids a decrease in drying efficiency due to misassembly.

  • Dry air spraying from an airflow guide is evenly distributed into the tub.
  • Heat energy of the dry air is not concentrated on a specific portion.
  • Reduces the dry period for wash targets.
  • Improves drying efficiency.
  • Prevents deterioration in drying efficiency caused by misassembly.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in the manufacturing of dishwashers and other similar appliances.

Problems Solved

1. Uneven distribution of dry air in dishwashers. 2. Concentration of heat energy on specific areas. 3. Longer dry period for wash targets. 4. Decreased drying efficiency due to misassembly.


1. Improved drying efficiency. 2. Even distribution of dry air. 3. Prevention of heat concentration. 4. Reduced dry period for wash targets.

Original Abstract Submitted

The present disclosure relates to a dishwasher in which dry air spraying from an airflow guide is evenly distributed into a tub not to concentrate heat energy of the dry air on a specific portion, thereby reducing a dry period for wash targets and improving drying efficiency, and effectively preventing deterioration in drying efficiency, which is caused by a change in the direction of a discharge opening when misassembly occurs.