17984593. CHECK FRAUD DETECTION simplified abstract (Capital One Services, LLC)

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Organization Name

Capital One Services, LLC


Jie Zhang of Gainesville VA (US)

Joshua Edwards of Philadelphia PA (US)

Michael Mossoba of Great Falls VA (US)

CHECK FRAUD DETECTION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17984593 titled 'CHECK FRAUD DETECTION

Simplified Explanation

The patent application abstract describes a system for verifying the authenticity of a check for deposit by comparing a captured image of the check with a reference image provided by the payer or by analyzing the handwriting on the check.

  • Check verification system:
   * Captured image of a check received for deposit.
   * Reference image provided by payer for comparison.
   * Handwriting analysis performed if no reference image is provided.
   * Machine learning model used to analyze handwriting similarity.
   * Security controls activated based on handwriting match/mismatch.

Potential Applications

The technology can be applied in banking and financial institutions to prevent check fraud and ensure the authenticity of checks being deposited.

Problems Solved

1. Check fraud prevention: By verifying the authenticity of checks through image comparison and handwriting analysis, the system helps in reducing the risk of fraudulent activities. 2. Ensuring accurate deposits: By confirming the legitimacy of the check and the payer's signature, the system ensures that deposits are made correctly.


1. Enhanced security: The system provides an additional layer of security by verifying the authenticity of checks before they are deposited. 2. Efficiency: By automating the verification process, the system saves time and reduces the likelihood of human error in check processing.

Potential Commercial Applications

"Check Verification System for Fraud Prevention in Banking"

Possible Prior Art

Prior art in this field may include traditional methods of manual check verification by bank tellers and signature verification techniques used in banking institutions.

Unanswered Questions

How does the system handle checks with multiple signatures?

The system's ability to analyze multiple signatures on a check and determine authenticity is not explicitly mentioned in the abstract. Further details on this aspect would be beneficial.

What measures are in place to protect the privacy of the payer's handwriting data?

The abstract does not address the privacy and security measures implemented to safeguard the payer's handwriting data used for analysis. Understanding the protocols in place for data protection would be essential for assessing the system's overall security.

Original Abstract Submitted

A captured image of a check for deposit can be received. A reference image of the check can be determined to have been provided by a payer that has written the check. If a reference image is provided, a determination can be made as to whether the captured image matches the reference image. If no reference image is provided, handwriting analysis is performed to confirm that the handwriting in the captured image matches the payer's handwriting. The handwriting analysis can be performed by a machine learning model trained with check history to produce a similarity score between the handwriting on the check and the payer's handwriting. Security controls can be activated if the score represents a mismatch of handwriting. If the score indicates a handwriting match, the check can be deposited as a transfer from the payer's account to the payee's account.