17984422. METHODS AND ARRANGEMENTS TO DETERMINE QUIZ QUESTIONS simplified abstract (Capital One Services, LLC)

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Organization Name

Capital One Services, LLC


Leeyat Bracha Tessler of Arlington VA (US)

Illiana Reed of San Francisco CA (US)

Benjamin West Pollak of Arlington VA (US)

Michael Joseph Cirillo of Richmond VA (US)

Abhita Moorthy of Marietta GA (US)

Mia Rodriguez of Broomfield CO (US)

METHODS AND ARRANGEMENTS TO DETERMINE QUIZ QUESTIONS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17984422 titled 'METHODS AND ARRANGEMENTS TO DETERMINE QUIZ QUESTIONS

Simplified Explanation

The abstract of the patent application describes a logic system that receives questions from a customer in a chat, associates them with categories of subjects, stores indications of these categories in a customer profile, selects quiz questions based on these categories, presents the questions to the customer, and may receive answers from the customer.

  • The logic system receives questions from a customer in a chat.
  • The logic system associates the questions with categories of subjects.
  • The logic system stores indications of the categories of subjects in a customer profile.
  • The logic system selects quiz questions for the customer based on the categories of subjects in the customer profile.
  • The logic system presents the questions to the customer.
  • In some embodiments, the logic system may receive answers to the questions from the customer.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in customer service chatbots, educational platforms, and personalized quiz applications.

Problems Solved

This technology streamlines the process of selecting and presenting quiz questions to customers based on their interests and previous interactions.


The system improves customer engagement, provides personalized quiz experiences, and enhances customer satisfaction.

Potential Commercial Applications

"Enhancing Customer Engagement and Satisfaction through Personalized Quiz Selection"

Possible Prior Art

There may be existing systems that use customer profiles to personalize quiz experiences, but the specific combination of features described in this patent application may be novel.

Unanswered Questions

How does the logic system determine the relevance of quiz questions to the customer's profile?

The abstract does not provide details on the specific algorithms or methods used to match quiz questions with the customer's profile.

What types of questions can the logic system handle in the chat with the customer?

The abstract does not specify the range or complexity of questions that the logic system can process in the chat with the customer.

Original Abstract Submitted

Logic may receive one or more questions from a customer in a chat. The logic may associate the one or more questions with one or more categories of subjects. The logic may store indications of the one or more categories of the subjects with a customer profile. The logic may select questions for a quiz for the customer based on the one or more categories of the subjects in the customer profile from a set of questions. The logic may present the one or more questions to the customer. And, in some embodiments, the logic may receive answers to the one or more questions from the customer.