17982728. LOGICAL NETWORK RESOURCE ALLOCATION AND CREATION simplified abstract (Dell Products L.P.)

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Organization Name

Dell Products L.P.


Ana Cristina Bernardo De Oliveira of Rio de Janeiro (BR)

Anselmo Luiz Eden Battisti of Niteroi (BR)

Arthur Albuquerque Zopellaro Soares of Volta Redonda (BR)

Debora Christina Muchaluat Saade of Rio de Janeiro (BR)

Evandro Luiz Cardoso Macedo of Rio de Janeiro (BR)

Flavia Coimbra Delicato of Niteroi (BR)

Juan Lucas do Rosario Vieira of Sao Goncalo (BR)

Paulo de Figueiredo Pires of Niteroi (BR)

[[:Category:Marina Ivanov Pereira Josu� of Chiador (BR)|Marina Ivanov Pereira Josu� of Chiador (BR)]][[Category:Marina Ivanov Pereira Josu� of Chiador (BR)]]

LOGICAL NETWORK RESOURCE ALLOCATION AND CREATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17982728 titled 'LOGICAL NETWORK RESOURCE ALLOCATION AND CREATION

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a method for logical network resource allocation and creation within a physical network. Here is a simplified explanation of the abstract:

  • Obtaining a representation of virtualized resources for a logical network within a physical network.
  • Selecting physical nodes to host virtual nodes and allocating physical paths for virtual links.
  • Creating the logical network using the allocated physical nodes and links.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various industries such as telecommunications, cloud computing, and data centers for efficient resource allocation and network creation.

Problems Solved

1. Efficient allocation of resources in a physical network for logical network creation. 2. Simplifying the process of mapping virtual resources to physical resources.


1. Improved resource utilization within a physical network. 2. Streamlined process for creating logical networks. 3. Enhanced network performance and scalability.

Potential Commercial Applications

Optimizing network infrastructure in telecommunications companies. SEO Optimized Title: "Commercial Applications of Logical Network Resource Allocation Technology"

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be the use of software-defined networking (SDN) technologies for network resource allocation and management.

Unanswered Questions

How does this method handle network scalability?

The method described in the abstract focuses on allocating resources for a logical network within a physical network, but it does not specifically address how scalability is managed as the network grows. Implementing dynamic resource allocation algorithms could potentially address this issue.

What security measures are in place to protect the allocated resources?

While the abstract discusses resource allocation and creation, it does not delve into the security aspects of the network. It would be important to understand how the allocated resources are secured from unauthorized access or attacks. Implementing encryption protocols and access control mechanisms could be potential solutions to enhance network security.

Original Abstract Submitted

Techniques are provided for logical network resource allocation and creation. One method comprises obtaining a representation of virtualized resources to allocate for a logical network within a physical network, wherein the physical network comprises physical nodes and physical links, wherein the virtualized resources comprise virtual nodes and virtual links, and wherein the physical nodes host one or more virtual nodes and one or more of the physical links host a given virtual link; obtaining a first ordered list of the plurality of virtual nodes; obtaining a second ordered list of the plurality of physical nodes; for a virtual node in the first ordered list: selecting and allocating a physical node from the second ordered list as a host for the virtual node; and allocating a physical path for the virtual links associated with the virtual node. The logical network can be created using the allocated physical nodes and physical links.