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Organization Name



Guoqiang Tang of Beijing (CN)

Jia Fang of Beijing (CN)

Yang Zheng of Beijing (CN)

Yali Wang of Beijing (CN)

Zongmin Liu of Beijing (CN)

Feng Qu of Beijing (CN)

Biqi Li of Beijing (CN)

LIQUID CRYSTAL ANTENNA - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17923757 titled 'LIQUID CRYSTAL ANTENNA

The liquid crystal antenna described in the patent application consists of a first substrate and a second substrate arranged opposite to each other, with a liquid crystal layer in between. There are electrodes on each substrate, a feeder line connected to one of the electrodes, an encapsulation layer surrounding the liquid crystal layer, and a side electrode assembly with multiple side electrodes.

  • The liquid crystal antenna includes two substrates with a liquid crystal layer in between.
  • Electrodes are present on each substrate, along with a feeder line connected to one of the electrodes.
  • An encapsulation layer surrounds the liquid crystal layer for protection.
  • A side electrode assembly comprises multiple side electrodes for enhanced functionality.

Potential Applications: - Communication systems - Radar systems - Satellite technology - Wireless technology - Antenna design and development

Problems Solved: - Improved signal reception and transmission - Enhanced antenna performance - Increased efficiency in communication systems

Benefits: - Higher signal quality - Greater range of communication - Improved reliability in wireless technology

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Liquid Crystal Antenna Technology for Enhanced Communication Systems This technology can be utilized in various industries such as telecommunications, aerospace, defense, and IoT for improved signal transmission and reception, leading to more efficient communication systems.

Questions about Liquid Crystal Antenna Technology: 1. How does the liquid crystal layer contribute to the performance of the antenna? The liquid crystal layer helps in controlling the orientation of the molecules, which in turn affects the properties of the antenna.

2. What advantages does the side electrode assembly provide in the liquid crystal antenna? The side electrode assembly allows for more precise control and tuning of the antenna, leading to improved performance.

Original Abstract Submitted

Provided is a liquid crystal antenna, which includes a first substrate and a second substrate which are oppositely arranged; a liquid crystal layer located between the first substrate and the second substrate; a first electrode located on one side of the first substrate close to the liquid crystal layer; a second electrode located on one side of the second substrate close to the liquid crystal layer; a feeder line located on one side of the second substrate far away from the second electrode and electrically connected with the second electrode; an encapsulation layer located between the first substrate and the second substrate and surrounding the liquid crystal layer; and a side electrode assembly including a plurality of side electrodes.