17922752. DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract (LG ELECTRONICS INC.)

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Hyungsuk Ryu of Seoul (KR)

DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17922752 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE

The patent application describes a display device with two optical mirrors and an image display unit that work together to merge images and display them at a predetermined height in front of the viewer.

  • The display device includes a case with an opening, a first optical mirror on one side, a second optical mirror below the first mirror, and an image display unit on another side with multiple surfaces for image output.
  • The first and second optical mirrors reflect the images from the display unit and combine them to create a single image in the space between the opening and the viewer.
  • The distance between the second optical mirror and the display unit is proportional to the distance between the first and second mirrors to ensure the combined image is displayed at the correct height.

Potential Applications: - Virtual reality headsets - Augmented reality glasses - Heads-up displays in vehicles - Medical imaging devices - Gaming consoles

Problems Solved: - Providing a clear, merged image to the viewer - Ensuring the image is displayed at the correct height - Enhancing the viewing experience for various applications

Benefits: - Improved image quality - Enhanced user experience - Versatile applications in different industries

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Display Technology for Immersive Experiences This technology can be used in various commercial products such as virtual reality headsets, augmented reality glasses, and medical imaging devices. It can enhance the user experience and provide clear, merged images for immersive applications.

Questions about Display Device Technology: 1. How does the display device technology improve the viewing experience for users? The display device technology enhances the viewing experience by merging images from the display unit and displaying them at a predetermined height in front of the viewer, creating a clear and immersive image. 2. What are the potential commercial applications of the display device technology? The display device technology can be used in virtual reality headsets, augmented reality glasses, heads-up displays in vehicles, medical imaging devices, and gaming consoles, offering versatile applications in different industries.

Original Abstract Submitted

A display device can include a case having an opening; a first optical mirror disposed on a first side within the case; a second optical mirror disposed on a second side within the case and located under the first optical mirror; and an image display unit disposed on a third side within the case and having a plurality of surfaces for outputting images. Also, the first optical mirror and the second optical mirror are configured to reflect the images output by the plurality of the surfaces of the image display unit and merge the images together to display a combined image at a space located between the opening and a viewer. Also, a second distance between the second optical mirror and the image display unit is proportional to a first distance between the first optical mirror and the second optical mirror for displaying the combined image at a predetermined height.