17917495. TRANSMISSION POWER ADJUSTMENT FOR STR OPERATION simplified abstract (LG Electronics Inc.)

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Organization Name

LG Electronics Inc.


Jeongki Kim of Seoul (KR)

Jinsoo Choi of Seoul (KR)

TRANSMISSION POWER ADJUSTMENT FOR STR OPERATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17917495 titled 'TRANSMISSION POWER ADJUSTMENT FOR STR OPERATION

Simplified Explanation

The abstract of this patent application describes a wireless local area network system that includes a non-AP multi-link device (MLD) capable of transmitting transmission power information and information about a PPDU bandwidth. This allows links in an NSTR (Non-Spatial Time Reversal) relationship to operate as STR (Spatial Time Reversal) under specific conditions.

  • The non-AP multi-link device (MLD) in a wireless local area network system can transmit transmission power information and information about a PPDU (Physical Protocol Data Unit) bandwidth.
  • This enables links in an NSTR relationship to operate as STR.
  • The MLD operates as STR in the links of the NSTR relationship based on the transmitted information.
  • The MLD can switch between NSTR and STR modes depending on specific conditions.

Potential Applications

  • This technology can be applied in wireless local area network systems to improve the performance and efficiency of data transmission.
  • It can be used in various settings such as homes, offices, public spaces, and industrial environments where wireless networks are deployed.

Problems Solved

  • The technology solves the problem of inefficient data transmission in wireless local area network systems.
  • It addresses the challenge of optimizing the performance of links in an NSTR relationship by enabling them to operate as STR under specific conditions.


  • Improved performance and efficiency of data transmission in wireless local area network systems.
  • Enhanced flexibility in the operation of links in an NSTR relationship, allowing them to switch between NSTR and STR modes based on specific conditions.
  • Increased overall network capacity and throughput.

Original Abstract Submitted

In a wireless local area network system, a non-AP multi-link device (MLD) can transmit transmission power information enabling links in an NSTR relationship to operate as STR and information about a PPDU bandwidth, and operate as STR in the links in the NSTR relationship under a specific condition, on the basis thereof.