17913823. INDUCTOR simplified abstract (Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd.


Toru Iwabuchi of Osaka (JP)

Hitoshi Horiuchi of Hyogo (JP)

INDUCTOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17913823 titled 'INDUCTOR

The inductor described in the patent application consists of a magnetic core member made of metal magnetic material powder and resin, along with a coil member that is a conductor embedded inside the core.

  • The magnetic core member has a filling rate of metal magnetic material powder between 73.5% and 80.4% by volume.
  • The magnetic core member also has a Young's modulus ranging from 5.0 GPa to 10.5 GPa.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in various electronic devices requiring inductors, such as transformers, filters, and power supplies.

Problems Solved: - The inductor design addresses the need for efficient energy storage and transfer in electronic circuits.

Benefits: - Improved performance and reliability of electronic devices. - Enhanced energy efficiency due to optimized inductor design.

Commercial Applications: - This technology can be applied in the manufacturing of consumer electronics, industrial equipment, and automotive components.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does the filling rate of metal magnetic material powder impact the performance of the inductor?

  - The filling rate affects the magnetic properties and efficiency of the inductor, influencing its overall performance.

2. What are the advantages of embedding the coil member inside the magnetic core member?

  - Embedding the coil member helps in reducing electromagnetic interference and improving the inductor's efficiency.

Frequently Updated Research: - Stay updated on advancements in magnetic materials and inductor design to enhance the performance of this technology.

Original Abstract Submitted

The inductor includes: a magnetic core member comprising metal magnetic material powder and resin; and a coil member which is a conductor, and has one part embedded inside the magnetic core member and an other part exposed outside the magnetic core member, wherein the magnetic core member has: a filling rate of the metal magnetic material powder of at least 73.5% by volume and at most 80.4% by volume; and a Young's modulus of at least 5.0 GPa and at most 10.5 GPa.