17773139. Method for Testing a Cell Monitoring Unit, and Testing Device simplified abstract (Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft)

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Method for Testing a Cell Monitoring Unit, and Testing Device

Organization Name

Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft


Benjamin Reiss of Ladenburg (DE)

Steffen Rothe of Dresden (DE)

Axel Scheffler of Barbing (DE)

Method for Testing a Cell Monitoring Unit, and Testing Device - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 17773139 titled 'Method for Testing a Cell Monitoring Unit, and Testing Device

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method and testing device used to test a cell monitoring unit, particularly in electric vehicles. The method involves applying cell voltages to the unit, measuring currents, and outputting a fault message if needed.

  • Cell monitoring unit testing method
  • Measurement of currents at cell voltage connections
  • Output of fault message if current flow is detected
  • Testing device with current measuring apparatus
  • Applicable to electric vehicle cell monitoring units

Key Features and Innovation

  • Method for testing cell monitoring units in electric vehicles
  • Detection of current flow at cell voltage connections
  • Fault message output for identified issues
  • Testing device with current measuring capabilities

Potential Applications

The technology can be used in various electric vehicles to ensure the proper functioning of cell monitoring units. It can also be applied in other industries where battery monitoring is crucial.

Problems Solved

The technology addresses the need for efficient testing of cell monitoring units in electric vehicles to prevent potential malfunctions and ensure safety.


  • Enhanced safety in electric vehicles
  • Efficient testing process for cell monitoring units
  • Early detection of potential issues
  • Improved reliability of battery systems

Commercial Applications

  • Automotive industry for electric vehicles
  • Battery manufacturing companies
  • Electric vehicle charging stations

Prior Art

There may be existing methods for testing cell monitoring units, but the specific approach outlined in this patent application may offer unique advantages or improvements.

Frequently Updated Research

There may be ongoing research in the field of battery monitoring systems and electric vehicle technology that could impact the development and application of this testing method.

Questions about Cell Monitoring Unit Testing

How does this technology improve safety in electric vehicles?

The technology allows for efficient testing of cell monitoring units, ensuring early detection of potential issues that could compromise the safety of electric vehicles.

What are the potential cost savings associated with using this testing method?

By detecting issues early on, the technology can help prevent costly malfunctions or failures in electric vehicle battery systems, leading to potential cost savings in maintenance and repairs.

Original Abstract Submitted

A method is used to test a cell monitoring unit, in which method respective cell voltages are applied to cell voltage connections of the cell monitoring unit. A measurement is then carried out on a cell monitoring unit which is in operation in order to determine whether a respective current is flowing via at least one cell voltage connection, and a fault message is output if this is the case. A testing device is used to test a cell monitoring unit and has at least one current measuring apparatus for measuring currents at cell voltage connections of the cell monitoring unit. The testing device is configured to carry out the method. The method and testing device are applicable in particular to testing a cell monitoring unit of a vehicle, in particular of an electric vehicle.