WebTalk Ltd (20240303030). DYNAMIC AUDIO CONTENT GENERATION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

WebTalk Ltd


Eyal Gura of GaAsh (IL)

DYNAMIC AUDIO CONTENT GENERATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240303030 titled 'DYNAMIC AUDIO CONTENT GENERATION

The abstract describes a computer-implemented method for dynamically generating audio content of a panel, including questions asked by a moderator and responses by responders, based on user interests and social network connections.

  • Accessing user interests and a social network graph
  • Selecting questions correlated with user interests
  • Selecting responses from responders linked to the user in the social network
  • Dynamically assembling audio content from voice records and text-to-voice conversions
  • Providing the assembled audio content for selection and playback on a speaker

Potential Applications: - Podcast creation - Virtual event hosting - Interactive learning platforms

Problems Solved: - Engaging users based on their interests - Providing personalized audio content - Enhancing social network interactions

Benefits: - Increased user engagement - Personalized content delivery - Improved social network connections

Commercial Applications: "Dynamic Audio Content Generation for Enhanced User Engagement in Podcasts and Virtual Events"

Prior Art: Research on social network-based content generation and personalized audio experiences could provide insights into similar technologies.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in social network analysis, natural language processing, and audio content generation technologies.

Questions about Dynamic Audio Content Generation: 1. How does this technology enhance user engagement in social network interactions? 2. What are the potential privacy implications of accessing user interests and social network connections for content generation?

Original Abstract Submitted

there is provided a computer implemented method of dynamic generation of audio content of a panel including questions asked by a moderator and responses by responders, comprising: accessing user interest(s) of a target user, accessing a social network graph that includes the target user, selecting questions correlated with the user interest(s) of the target user, selecting responses to questions by responders, wherein the responders are linked to the target user in the social network graph, wherein the responders are associated with user interests correlated with the user interest(s) of the target user, dynamically assembling audio content(s) from voice records and/or from audio recordings generating by converting text to voice, each audio content including a sub-set of the selected questions and a sub-set of the responses, and providing dynamically assembled audio content(s) for selection thereof for playing on a speaker.