Unknown Organization (20240262276). COMBINATION MOBILE FITNESS CENTER AND MARTIAL ARTS DOJO simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Unknown Organization


Ernesto Fuentes of San Antonio FL (US)

COMBINATION MOBILE FITNESS CENTER AND MARTIAL ARTS DOJO - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240262276 titled 'COMBINATION MOBILE FITNESS CENTER AND MARTIAL ARTS DOJO

The abstract describes a patent application for a combination mobile fitness center and martial arts dojo housed in a functional land vehicle. The vehicle has an open floorplan with at least six training stations, each equipped with various pads and a camera that broadcasts images of the training stations on a display screen outside the vehicle for monitoring by guardians.

  • The innovation combines a mobile fitness center and martial arts dojo in a land vehicle.
  • The vehicle features an open floorplan with at least six training stations.
  • Each training station includes swivel top pads and multiple side pads for user interaction.
  • A camera captures images of the training stations and displays them on an exterior screen for monitoring.
  • The design allows for a versatile and mobile fitness and martial arts training experience.

Potential Applications: - Mobile fitness classes in various locations - Martial arts training for individuals or groups on the go - Fitness and self-defense workshops at events or schools

Problems Solved: - Limited access to fitness and martial arts facilities in remote areas - Lack of monitoring capabilities for guardians during training sessions - Inconvenience of transporting bulky fitness and martial arts equipment

Benefits: - Convenient and mobile fitness and martial arts training - Real-time monitoring for guardians - Versatile and adaptable training environment

Commercial Applications: Title: "Mobile Fitness and Martial Arts Training Vehicle: Commercial Applications and Market Implications" This technology could be used for: - Fitness and martial arts classes at events or festivals - Corporate wellness programs - Mobile training services for schools or community centers

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the mobile fitness center and martial arts dojo address the issue of limited access to training facilities? - The mobile design allows for training sessions to be conducted in various locations, providing access to fitness and martial arts training in remote areas. 2. What are the advantages of having a camera system that broadcasts images of the training stations for monitoring? - The camera system allows guardians to monitor the training sessions in real-time, ensuring the safety and security of the users.

Original Abstract Submitted

a combination mobile fitness center and martial arts dojo is provided. the combination mobile fitness center and mobile martial arts dojo is housed in a functional land vehicle having an open floorplan along which at least six training stations are spaced apart. each training station provides a swivel top pad and a first side pad, a second side pad, and a swivel side pad, wherein all the pads are operatively associated with a center pad. a camera capturing images of at least six training stations broadcasts the captured images on a display screen along an exterior of the vehicle so that guardians of the users of the training stations can be monitored.