US Patent Application 18216041. SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Dong-chan Suh of Suwon-si (KR)

Gi-gwan Park of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Dong-woo Kim of Incheon (KR)

Dong-suk Shin of Yongin-si (KR)

SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

  • This abstract for appeared for US patent application number 18216041 Titled 'SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE'

Simplified Explanation

This abstract describes a semiconductor device that includes a substrate with two regions. In each region, there are fin type active areas that extend away from the substrate. Nanosheets are present parallel to the upper surface of the fin type active areas, with a gap between them and the surface. A gate extends over the fin type active areas in a direction perpendicular to the nanosheets. A gate dielectric layer is placed between the gate and each nanosheet. The device also has source and drain regions in both regions of the substrate. Insulating spacers are positioned between the fin type active areas and the nanosheets, and air spacers are placed between the insulating spacers and the first source and drain regions.

Original Abstract Submitted

A semiconductor device includes a substrate including a first region and a second region, fin type active areas extending in a first direction away from the substrate in each of the first and second regions, a plurality of nanosheets extending parallel to an upper surface of the fin type active areas and being spaced apart from the upper surface of the fin type active areas, a gate extending over the fin type active areas in a second direction crossing the first direction, a gate dielectric layer interposed between the gate and each of the nanosheets, first source and drain regions included in the first region and second source and drain regions included in the second region, and insulating spacers interposed between the fin type active areas and the nanosheets, wherein air spacers are interposed between the insulating spacers and the first source and drain regions.