Toyota jidosha kabushiki kaisha (20240174234). AUTOMATED DRIVING SYSTEM simplified abstract

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Organization Name

toyota jidosha kabushiki kaisha


Hironori Ito of Tokyo-to (JP)

AUTOMATED DRIVING SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240174234 titled 'AUTOMATED DRIVING SYSTEM

Simplified Explanation

The automated driving system described in the patent application includes a vehicle speed detection device, a display device capable of showing the vehicle's running lane and adjacent lane, and a processor that controls the display content and executes autonomous lane changes. The processor is programmed to prevent autonomous lane changes when the vehicle's speed is below a certain value, and to hide the adjacent lane in such cases. It will only display the adjacent lane when the vehicle is about to accelerate to or above the predetermined speed for the lane change.

  • Vehicle speed detection device for determining the speed of the vehicle
  • Display device showing the running lane and adjacent lane
  • Processor controlling display content and executing autonomous lane changes
  • Prohibition of lane changes when speed is below a certain value
  • Display adjustment to show adjacent lane before speed reaches the predetermined value

Potential Applications

The technology can be applied in autonomous vehicles, enhancing their ability to safely change lanes based on speed considerations.

Problems Solved

This innovation addresses the issue of unsafe lane changes at low speeds, ensuring that the vehicle only changes lanes when it is safe to do so.


- Improved safety during lane changes - Enhanced efficiency in autonomous driving systems

Potential Commercial Applications

- Autonomous vehicle manufacturers - Transportation companies

Possible Prior Art

There may be prior art related to lane change assistance systems in vehicles, but the specific feature of adjusting lane display based on vehicle speed may be unique to this patent application.

Unanswered Questions

How does the system determine the optimal time to display the adjacent lane before a lane change?

The patent application does not provide specific details on the algorithm or criteria used to determine when to show the adjacent lane.

Are there any potential drawbacks or limitations to this technology?

The application does not mention any potential drawbacks or limitations that may arise from the implementation of this system.

Original Abstract Submitted

the automated driving system includes a vehicle speed detection device for detecting a speed of a vehicle, a display device capable of displaying a running lane and an adjacent lane of the vehicle, and a processor configured to control display content of the display device, and execute an autonomous lane change of the vehicle. the processor is configured to prohibit the autonomous lane change of the vehicle when a speed of the vehicle is less than a predetermined value. the processor is configured to hide the adjacent lane when the autonomous lane change is prohibited and start displaying the adjacent lane before the speed of the vehicle reaches the predetermined value if it is planned for the vehicle to accelerate from a speed below the predetermined value to a speed equal to or greater than the predetermined value in order to carry out the autonomous lane change.