Stripe, inc. (20240193600). TRUSTED CUSTOMER NETWORK simplified abstract

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Organization Name

stripe, inc.


Kerwell Liao of Seattle WA (US)

Angel Maredia of New Rochelle NY (US)

TRUSTED CUSTOMER NETWORK - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240193600 titled 'TRUSTED CUSTOMER NETWORK

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a system where a user scans a payment card to set up an account or make a purchase on a merchant's website. The system stores data from the card scan and can reference it for future transactions to verify legitimacy without requiring the customer to rescan the card.

  • **Key Features and Innovation**:
   - User scans payment card for account setup or purchases.
   - System stores data from card scan for future reference.
   - Data used to verify legitimacy of transactions without rescanning card.

Potential Applications: This technology could be applied in e-commerce platforms, online payment systems, and any other digital transaction platforms to enhance security and streamline the payment process.

Problems Solved: The technology addresses the need for secure and efficient payment verification processes without inconveniencing customers with repeated card scans.

Benefits: - Enhanced security for online transactions. - Streamlined payment process for users. - Reduced friction in the checkout process.

Commercial Applications: This technology could be utilized by e-commerce websites, online payment processors, and digital service providers to improve user experience and security in online transactions.

Prior Art: Prior art related to this technology may include existing systems for storing and referencing payment card data for future transactions, as well as technologies for secure online payment verification processes.

Frequently Updated Research: Research on advancements in secure payment technologies, user authentication methods, and data storage systems could be relevant to this technology.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does the system ensure the security and privacy of the stored payment card data? 2. What measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access to the stored card information?

Original Abstract Submitted

a user scans a payment card while setting up an account on a merchant's website, or while completing a check out to purchase an item or service for the first time. the subject system stores signals from the card scan (e.g., device id, verified card, location, last time scanned and used, etc.). the next time a transaction is requested for the card at another merchant, the subject system can reference the last data it has on the card. if the transaction is being requested from the same device or a reasonably close physical location within a reasonable timeframe, the subject system can be highly confident that this is a legitimate transaction, without requiring the customer to scan their payment card again.