Sonos, Inc. (20240264794). DASHBOARD USER INTERFACE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

Sonos, Inc.


Sangah Park of Sommerville MA (US)

Briana Lee of Venice CA (US)

Jai Sawkar of New York NY (US)

Robert A. Lambourne of Santa Barbara CA (US)

DASHBOARD USER INTERFACE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240264794 titled 'DASHBOARD USER INTERFACE

The abstract describes a computer system that displays a visual representation of media playback systems located in different locations, some of which consist of multiple playback devices. The system also provides a schedule interface for scheduling specific rooms within locations to play particular audio content.

  • The computer system visually represents multiple media playback systems in different locations.
  • Some playback systems include multiple playback devices.
  • The system offers a schedule interface for scheduling specific rooms to play specific audio content within locations.

Potential Applications: - Home entertainment systems - Commercial audio installations - Public address systems in large venues

Problems Solved: - Simplifies the management of multiple media playback systems in different locations - Streamlines the scheduling of audio content playback in specific rooms

Benefits: - Enhanced user experience in controlling media playback systems - Efficient scheduling of audio content in various locations

Commercial Applications: "Multi-Location Media Playback System Controller for Enhanced Audio Scheduling and Management"

Prior Art: Researchers can explore existing patents related to multi-location media playback systems and audio scheduling technologies.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay informed about advancements in multi-location media playback systems and audio scheduling technologies.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the computer system differentiate between various playback systems in different locations? 2. What features make this system stand out compared to traditional audio scheduling methods?

Original Abstract Submitted

a computer system for executing a controller interface displays a visual representation of one or more media playback systems. the one or more media playback systems are located in different locations. at least a portion of the one or more playback systems comprise multiple playback devices. the computer system displays a schedule interface that displays options for scheduling particular rooms within particular locations to play particular audio content.