Snap inc. (20240305595). MESSAGING SYSTEM WITH DISCARD USER INTERFACE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

snap inc.


Newar Husam Al Majid of New York NY (US)

Laurent Desserrey of Los Angeles CA (US)

Christie Marie Heikkinen of Sherman Oaks CA (US)

Nathaniel Parrott of Brooklyn NY (US)

Jeremy Voss of Los Angeles CA (US)

MESSAGING SYSTEM WITH DISCARD USER INTERFACE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240305595 titled 'MESSAGING SYSTEM WITH DISCARD USER INTERFACE

The abstract describes a computer-implemented method for displaying a user interface, where a preview of a message is shown on a screen, a discard motion is received, a discard instruction is displayed with varying opacity based on the range of the discard motion, and the message is discarded once a minimum motion threshold is reached.

  • The method involves displaying a preview of a message on a screen.
  • It includes receiving a discard motion from the user.
  • A discard instruction is displayed with varying opacity, increasing in proportion to the range of the discard motion.
  • The method sets a minimum motion threshold that needs to be reached.
  • The message is discarded once the minimum motion threshold is met.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be applied in messaging apps to improve user experience by providing a more intuitive way to discard messages. - It can be used in email clients to streamline the process of discarding emails.

Problems Solved: - Simplifies the process of discarding messages or emails on a user interface. - Enhances user interaction by providing a visual cue for discarding actions.

Benefits: - Improves user experience by making it easier and more intuitive to discard messages. - Streamlines the process of managing messages or emails on a screen.

Commercial Applications: "Enhancing User Experience in Messaging Apps with Intuitive Discard Motion Technology"

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the varying opacity of the discard instruction enhance user interaction? 2. What are the potential implications of this technology for email management applications?

Original Abstract Submitted

a computer-implemented method of displaying a user interface comprises: displaying a preview of a message on a screen; receiving a discard motion; displaying a discard instruction with varying opacity during the receiving, the opacity increasing in proportion to a range of the discard motion; reaching a minimum motion threshold; and discarding the message.