Snap Inc. patent applications on September 12th, 2024

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Patent Applications by Snap Inc. on September 12th, 2024

Snap Inc.: 15 patent applications

Snap Inc. has applied for patents in the areas of G06F3/0482 (5), G06T19/00 (5), G06F3/01 (3), G06F3/04842 (2), G06T11/00 (2) G06T19/006 (3), G06F3/0481 (1), G06T7/55 (1), G06T13/40 (1), G06T15/04 (1)

With keywords such as: device, image, user, object, reality, content, data, media, application, and iot in patent application abstracts.

Patent Applications by Snap Inc.

20240302932. STANDARDIZED AR INTERFACES FOR IOT DEVICES_simplified_abstract_(snap inc.)

Inventor(s): Sven Kratz of Mercer Island WA (US) for snap inc., Andrés Monroy-Hernández of Seattle WA (US) for snap inc., Yu Jiang Tham of Seattle WA (US) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): G06F3/0481, G06F3/01, G06F3/04842, G06T11/00, G16Y40/10

CPC Code(s): G06F3/0481

Abstract: an augmented reality (ar) device is interfaced to an internet of things (iot) device by receiving iot device information in a standardized schema from the iot device. the iot device information includes device inputs and available output information for the iot device. a predetermined ar user interface widget to render for the iot device is determined from the received iot device information. the predetermined ar user interface widget converts user inputs to the ar device into the device inputs for the iot device. upon selection of the iot device by the ar device, the predetermined ar user interface widget for the selected iot device is provided to the ar device as an overlay on a display of the ar device. device input received in response to user interaction with the ar user interface widget is provided to the iot device in an input type expected by the iot device.

20240303843. DEPTH ESTIMATION FROM RGB IMAGES_simplified_abstract_(snap inc.)

Inventor(s): Riza Alp Guler of London (GB) for snap inc., Dominik Kulon of London (GB) for snap inc., Himmy Tam of London (GB) for snap inc., Haoyang Wang of London (GB) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): G06T7/55, G06V10/25

CPC Code(s): G06T7/55

Abstract: a system for generating extended reality effects using image data of hands and a depth estimation model. the depth estimation model is trained using pairings of synthetic 2d image data with sets of depths and segmentation masks. an extended reality system captures image data of hands in a real-world scene and uses the image data and the depth estimation model to generate the extended reality effects. the extended reality effects are provided to a user during an extended reality experience.

20240303894. ANIMATED CUSTOM STICKER CREATION_simplified_abstract_(snap inc.)

Inventor(s): Kyle Goodrich of Venice CA (US) for snap inc., Christie Marie Heikkinen of Sherman Oaks CA (US) for snap inc., Pedram Javidpour of Los Angeles CA (US) for snap inc., Andrew James McPhee of Culver City CA (US) for snap inc., Daniel Moreno of New York NY (US) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): G06T13/40, G06F3/0482, G06T11/60, G06T13/80, H04L51/10

CPC Code(s): G06T13/40

Abstract: methods and systems are disclosed for performing operations for generating a custom sticker. the operations include receiving, by a messaging application implemented on a first device, an image. the operations include receiving, by the messaging application, input that selects a region of the image. the operations include generating, by the messaging application, a graphical element comprising the region of the image selected by the input. the operations include applying, by the messaging application, one or more visual effects to the graphical element. the operations include causing the graphical element to be animated according to a given animation pattern selected from a plurality of animation patterns to generate an animated custom graphic. the operations include sending the animated custom graphic with the one or more visual effects from the first device to a second device.

20240303902. NEURAL SHADING OF REFLECTIVE SURFACES_simplified_abstract_(snap inc.)

Inventor(s): Vladislav Shakhrai of London (GB) for snap inc., Sergey Demyanov of Santa monica CA (US) for snap inc., Aleksei Stoliar of Marina del Rey CA (US) for snap inc., Istvan Marton of Encino CA (US) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): G06T15/04, G06T15/00

CPC Code(s): G06T15/04

Abstract: the subject technology receives an object mesh, information related to a viewpoint for rendering an image of an object having a reflective surface, and a set of maps. the subject technology generates a rasterized rgb (red green blue) image based on the object mesh, the viewpoint, and the set of maps. the subject technology generates, using a neural network model, an output image of the object with the reflective surface based at least in part on the rasterized rgb image and the viewpoint. the subject technology provides for display the output image of the object with the reflective surface on a display of a computer client device.

20240303904. RAY TRACING BETWEEN AR AND REAL OBJECTS_simplified_abstract_(snap inc.)

Inventor(s): Ron Weitzman of Tel Aviv (IL) for snap inc., Oleksandr Pyshchenko of Los Angeles CA (US) for snap inc., Raz Perlman of Rehovot (IL) for snap inc., Vivian Su of Maynard MA (US) for snap inc., Almog Mizrahi of Tel Aviv (IL) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): G06T15/06, G06T19/00

CPC Code(s): G06T15/06

Abstract: aspects of the present disclosure involve a system for performing ray tracing between augmented reality (ar) and real-world objects. the system accesses, by the mobile device, a video depicting a first object. the system obtains, by the mobile device, a three-dimensional (3d) model of the first object. the system applies, by the mobile device, a ray tracing process to the 3d model of the first object to estimate an optical effect on a portion of the first object relative to a second object that is depicted in the video. the system modifies a visual property of the portion of the first object based on the optical effect relative to the second object.

20240303926. HAND SURFACE NORMAL ESTIMATION_simplified_abstract_(snap inc.)

Inventor(s): Riza Alp Guler of London (GB) for snap inc., Dominik Kulon of London (GB) for snap inc., Himmy Tam of London (GB) for snap inc., Haoyang Wang of London (GB) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): G06T17/20, G06T7/40, G06T11/00

CPC Code(s): G06T17/20

Abstract: an system for augmenting images using hand surface normal estimation is provided. in a model training phase, 3d models of hands are generated using 3d data of hands in a variety of positions. target normal training data is generated that includes normals of surfaces of the 3d models and synthetic 2d image training data corresponding to the 3d models and the normals. the target normal training data and the synthetic image training data are used to train a normal estimation model. the normal estimation is used by an interactive application to generate augmentations that are applied to hand image data.

20240303934. ADAPTIVE IMAGE PROCESSING FOR AUGMENTED REALITY DEVICE_simplified_abstract_(snap inc.)

Inventor(s): Thomas Muttenthaler of Vienna (AT) for snap inc., Kai Zhou of Wiener Neudorf (AT) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): G06T19/00, G02B27/01, G06T3/40, G06V10/25

CPC Code(s): G06T19/006

Abstract: examples describe adaptive image processing for an augmented reality (ar) device. an input image is captured by a camera of the ar device, and a region of interest of the input image is determined. the region of interest is associated with an object that is being tracked using an object tracking system. a crop-and-scale order of an image processing operation directed at the region of interest is determined for the input image. one or more object tracking parameters may be used to determine the crop-and-scale order. the crop-and-scale order is dynamically adjustable between a first order and a second order. an output image is generated from the input image by performing the image processing operation according to the determined crop-and-scale order for the particular input image. the output image can be accessed by the object tracking system to track the object.


Inventor(s): Grigoriy Tkachenko of London (GB) for snap inc., Inna Zaitseva of West New York NY (US) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): G06T19/00, G06F3/0482, G06T7/70, G06V40/16

CPC Code(s): G06T19/006

Abstract: the subject technology receives a selection of a selectable graphical item to initiate generating augment reality content including facial synthesis, the selection being received by a third party application, the third party application being executed by a computing device separate from a first party application and a messaging server system. the subject technology captures image data by the client device. the subject technology generates, by the one or more hardware processors and based at least in part on frames of a source media content, sets of source pose parameters. the subject technology generates, based at least in part on sets of the source pose parameters, an output media content using an interface communicating with the messaging server system. the subject technology provides augmented reality content based at least in part on the output media content for display on the computing device.


Inventor(s): Rastan Boroujerdi of Hermosa Beach CA (US) for snap inc., Michael John Evans of Auckland (NZ) for snap inc., Panayoti Haritatos of Rocklin CA (US) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): G06T19/00, G01C21/36, G06F3/04815, G06F3/04842, H04L9/40

CPC Code(s): G06T19/006

Abstract: methods and systems are disclosed for generating ar experiences. the methods and systems access a first component of a plurality of components implemented by the messaging application, the plurality of components comprising an ar experience, each of the plurality of components being configured to be separately launched by the messaging application. the methods and systems store a first state of the first component in a data structure that is shared across the plurality of components; launching. the methods and system launch, by the messaging application, a second component of the plurality of components in response to determining that an interaction has been performed using the first component; and configure a second state of the second component based on the interaction that has been performed using the first component.

20240305595. MESSAGING SYSTEM WITH DISCARD USER INTERFACE_simplified_abstract_(snap inc.)

Inventor(s): Newar Husam Al Majid of New York NY (US) for snap inc., Laurent Desserrey of Los Angeles CA (US) for snap inc., Christie Marie Heikkinen of Sherman Oaks CA (US) for snap inc., Nathaniel Parrott of Brooklyn NY (US) for snap inc., Jeremy Voss of Los Angeles CA (US) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): H04L51/10, G06F3/01, G06F3/0482, G06F3/04883

CPC Code(s): H04L51/10

Abstract: a computer-implemented method of displaying a user interface comprises: displaying a preview of a message on a screen; receiving a discard motion; displaying a discard instruction with varying opacity during the receiving, the opacity increasing in proportion to a range of the discard motion; reaching a minimum motion threshold; and discarding the message.


Inventor(s): Nathan Kenneth Boyd of Los Angeles CA (US) for snap inc., Laurent Desserrey of Los Angeles CA (US) for snap inc., Alex Edelsburg of Seattle WA (US) for snap inc., Benjamin Ralph Hollis of Seattle WA (US) for snap inc., David Paliwoda of London (GB) for snap inc., Jeremy Baker Voss of Los Angeles CA (US) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): H04L65/1059, G06F3/0484, H04L65/75

CPC Code(s): H04L65/1059

Abstract: examples relate to a method of operating a web-based video calling system. the method includes detecting the initiation of a web calling session from a web calling client executing within a web browser on a user device. responsive to this detection, the method involves causing the display of a video feed from a digital image sensor of the camera of the user device. a user interface (ui) is provided that includes interactive elements to facilitate control over the video calling session. the ui is adapted based on predefined conditions to maintain privacy. specifically, the ui is adapted by automatically obscuring the video feed upon detecting user inactivity or the removal of foreground focus on the display of the user device. this approach ensures enhanced privacy and user control during web-based video calling sessions.

20240305691. ANALYZING AUGMENTED REALITY CONTENT USAGE DATA_simplified_abstract_(snap inc.)

Inventor(s): Jean Luo of Seattle WA (US) for snap inc., Celia Nicole Mourkogiannis of Los Angeles CA (US) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): H04L67/131, G06F3/01, G06F3/0482, G06T19/00, H04L67/306, H04L67/50

CPC Code(s): H04L67/131

Abstract: in one or more implementations, user interfaces may be generated that include user interface elements that enable the tracking or monitoring of interactions with augmented reality content by users of a client application. usage metrics for augmented reality content may be collected and analyzed. in addition, information about client application users that interact with augmented reality content may be generated. in one or more examples, characteristics of users of the client application that interact with one or more augmented reality content items may be analyzed to determine a user characterization for one or more augmented reality content items. the usage metrics and user characterizations for augmented reality content items may be presented via a dashboard that is accessible to creators of augmented reality content.

20240305858. REAL TIME REWIND PLAYBACK_simplified_abstract_(snap inc.)

Inventor(s): Dong Tian of Shenzhen (CN) for snap inc., Guanshu Chen of Shenzhen (CN) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): H04N21/433, G06F3/04883, H04N19/177, H04N19/426

CPC Code(s): H04N21/4331

Abstract: a media player providing real time rewind playback of a played media file having segments of frames. a last segment n of the played media file is cached and rendered on a device, such as a mobile device, then a previous segment n−1 is cached and rendered, and the process continues until there are no more segments of the played media file to cache and render. only a segment of the played media file is cached at a time, rather than the whole media file, such that the played media file can be replayed on the fly.

20240305877. SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR DSP FAST BOOT_simplified_abstract_(snap inc.)

Inventor(s): Peter Brook of Marina del Rey CA (US) for snap inc., Russell Douglas Patton of Playa Vista CA (US) for snap inc., Jonathan M. Rodriguez, II of Los Angeles CA (US) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): H04N23/617, H04N23/65, H04N23/71, H04N23/73

CPC Code(s): H04N23/617

Abstract: system, methods, devices, and instructions are described for fast boot of a processor as part of camera operation. in some embodiments, in response to a camera input, a digital signal processor (dsp) of a device is booted using a first set of instructions. capture of image sensor data is initiated using the first set of instructions at the dsp. the dsp then receives a second set of instructions and the dsp is programmed using the second set of instructions after at least a first frame of the image sensor data is stored in a memory of the device. the first frame of the image sensor data is processed using the dsp as programmed by the second set of instructions. in some embodiments, the first set of instructions includes only instructions for setting camera sensor values, and the second set of instructions includes instructions for processing raw sensor data into formatted image files.

20240305878. INCLUSIVE CAMERA_simplified_abstract_(snap inc.)

Inventor(s): Bertrand Saint-Preux of Hollywood FL (US) for snap inc.

IPC Code(s): H04N23/62, G06F3/0482, H04N17/00, H04N23/63, H04N23/80

CPC Code(s): H04N23/62

Abstract: method of generating modified media content item based on user's setting selection starts with a processor causing a camera personalization interface to be displayed by a display of a client device. the processor receives a setting selection from the client device via the camera personalization interface. the processor determines a pre-capture setting and a post-processing setting based on the setting selection. the processor calibrates a camera of the client device using the pre-capture setting. the processor receives a media content item including an image captured using the camera and generates a modified media content item by modifying the media content item using the post-processing setting. other embodiments are described herein.

Snap Inc. patent applications on September 12th, 2024