Samsung electronics co., ltd. (20240321923). IMAGE SENSOR simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung electronics co., ltd.


Haeyeon Chung of Suwon-si (KR)

Sangcheon Park of Suwon-si (KR)

Sungyong You of Suwon-si (KR)

Sungsoo Choi of Suwon-si (KR)

IMAGE SENSOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240321923 titled 'IMAGE SENSOR

The image sensor described in the patent application consists of a substrate with two pixels, a device isolation pattern, and open regions. Each pixel has a region with a photoelectric conversion device, and the device isolation pattern separates the pixels.

  • The image sensor includes a substrate with two pixels, each containing a photoelectric conversion device.
  • A device isolation pattern separates the pixels to prevent interference.
  • Open regions on the substrate allow for flexibility in design and layout.
  • The pixels are arranged parallel to each other in a specific direction.
  • The device isolation pattern has different portions to effectively isolate the pixels.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in digital cameras, smartphones, and other devices that require image sensors. - It can improve the quality and performance of image capturing devices.

Problems Solved: - The device isolation pattern helps prevent crosstalk and interference between pixels. - The open regions allow for more efficient design and layout of the image sensor.

Benefits: - Enhanced image quality and resolution. - Improved performance and reliability of image sensors. - Greater flexibility in design and layout of image sensor components.

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Image Sensor Technology for Enhanced Image Quality This technology can be utilized in the production of digital cameras, smartphones, security cameras, and medical imaging devices. It can improve the overall image quality and performance of these products, leading to better user experiences and increased market competitiveness.

Questions about Image Sensor Technology: 1. How does the device isolation pattern in the image sensor prevent interference between pixels? 2. What are the potential commercial applications of this advanced image sensor technology?

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers are constantly exploring new materials and technologies to further enhance the performance and capabilities of image sensors. Stay updated on the latest advancements in image sensor technology to leverage the full potential of this innovation.

Original Abstract Submitted

an image sensor includes a substrate including a first pixel, a second pixel, a device isolation pattern, and at least one open region, wherein each of the first pixel and the second pixel includes a first pixel region including a first photoelectric conversion device and a second pixel region including a second photoelectric conversion device, the second pixel region being parallel with the first pixel region in a first direction, and wherein the device isolation pattern includes a first portion between the first pixel region and the second pixel region of the first pixel and between the first pixel region and the second pixel region of the second pixel, a second portion between the first pixel region of the first pixel and the first pixel region of the second pixel, and a third portion between the second pixel region of the first pixel and the second pixel region of the second pixel.