Samsung electronics co., ltd. (20240290738). SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung electronics co., ltd.


Bongwee Yu of Suwon-si (KR)

Junho Huh of Suwon-si (KR)

SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240290738 titled 'SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE

The semiconductor device described in the abstract consists of a first die with two physical layer regions, connecting pads, a connecting wire, and a rear wiring layer with through silicon vias.

  • The first die has adjacent first and second physical layer regions, connecting pads, and a connecting wire on its lower surface.
  • A rear wiring layer on the first die includes a first rear wire.
  • Through silicon vias penetrate the first die, including a first and second through silicon vias.
  • The connecting pads are electrically connected with the physical layer regions, while the pads are connected with the through silicon vias.
  • The first rear wire is connected with the through silicon vias, and the connecting wire is connected with the first connecting pad and pad.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in the manufacturing of advanced semiconductor devices for various electronic applications. - It can improve the performance and reliability of integrated circuits in electronic devices.

Problems Solved: - Enhances the electrical connectivity and efficiency of semiconductor devices. - Provides a more compact and reliable design for electronic components.

Benefits: - Improved electrical performance and reliability. - Enhanced integration and miniaturization of electronic devices. - Cost-effective manufacturing process for semiconductor devices.

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Semiconductor Device Technology for Enhanced Electronic Components This technology can be utilized in the production of high-performance electronic devices such as smartphones, computers, and automotive electronics. It can also benefit industries involved in telecommunications, aerospace, and medical devices.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does this semiconductor device technology improve the efficiency of electronic components? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this advanced technology in semiconductor manufacturing processes?

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on the latest advancements in semiconductor device technology to ensure optimal performance and reliability in electronic applications.

Original Abstract Submitted

a semiconductor device includes a first die having a first and second physical layer regions adjacent each other, connecting pads and a connecting wire on a lower surface of the first die, a rear wiring layer having a first rear wire on the first die, and through silicon vias penetrating the first die, the through silicon vias including a first and second through silicon vias. the connecting pads include a first and a second connecting pads electrically connected with the first and second physical layer regions respectively, and a first and a second pads electrically connected with the first and second through silicon vias respectively. the first rear wire is electrically connected with the first and second through silicon vias. the connecting wire is electrically connected with the first connecting pad and the first pad.