Samsung electronics co., ltd. (20240250103). IMAGE SENSOR simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung electronics co., ltd.


SEONOK Kim of Suwon-si (KR)

KWANYOUNG Oh of Suwon-si (KR)

HYUNGCHAE Kim of Suwon-si (KR)

DONGYOUNG Jang of Suwon-si (KR)

IMAGE SENSOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240250103 titled 'IMAGE SENSOR

The abstract describes an image sensor with a unique separation pattern surrounding the pixel section, gate patterns, and device isolation patterns.

  • The image sensor includes a substrate with a pixel section and a separation pattern surrounding it.
  • The separation pattern consists of first and second sub-separation patterns extending in different directions.
  • The pixel section contains a device isolation pattern defining an active region and gate patterns.
  • The gate patterns extend through the active region and device isolation pattern from the first to the second sub-separation patterns.
  • The gate patterns have two surfaces, extending linearly between the sub-separation patterns.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in digital cameras, smartphones, and other imaging devices. - It can also be applied in medical imaging equipment and surveillance cameras.

Problems Solved: - Provides improved isolation and structure for pixel sections in image sensors. - Enhances the performance and quality of images captured by the sensor.

Benefits: - Higher image quality and resolution. - Better control over light sensitivity and noise reduction. - Increased efficiency and reliability in image capturing.

Commercial Applications: - This technology can be utilized by camera manufacturers, smartphone companies, and medical equipment producers. - It has the potential to impact the consumer electronics market significantly.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does this separation pattern improve the performance of the image sensor? 2. What are the specific advantages of the gate patterns extending through the active region and device isolation pattern?

Original Abstract Submitted

an image sensor includes a substrate including a pixel section and a separation pattern disposed in the substrate and surrounding the pixel section. the separation pattern includes a first sub-separation pattern that extends in a first direction, and a second sub-separation pattern that extends in a second direction that intersects the first direction. the pixel section includes a device isolation pattern that defines an active region in the pixel section, and at least one gate pattern on the active region. the gate pattern extends along a third direction from the first sub-separation pattern through the active region and the device isolation pattern to the second sub-separation pattern. the third direction intersects the first direction and the second direction. the gate pattern has a first surface and a second surface that are opposite to each other. the first surface extends linearly from the first sub-separation pattern to the second sub-separation pattern.