Samsung display co., ltd. (20240298506). DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung display co., ltd.


GYUJEONG Lee of Yongin-si (KR)

YONG SEOK Kim of Yongin-si (KR)

MINHEE Son of Yongin-si (KR)

DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240298506 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE

The abstract describes a display device with various components such as a light emitting element, encapsulation layer, light transmission pattern, light control pattern, and electrode patterns.

  • The display device includes a substrate with a light emitting area and a light emitting element placed in that area.
  • An encapsulation layer covers the light emitting element and has a light transmission pattern and a light control pattern surrounding it.
  • There are two electrode patterns on the encapsulation layer, one connected to the light control pattern and the other surrounding the light transmission pattern.
  • The electrode patterns extend in different directions and are spaced apart from the light emitting area.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in various display devices such as TVs, monitors, and smartphones. - It can also be applied in lighting fixtures and signage.

Problems Solved: - Provides improved control over light emission in display devices. - Enhances the efficiency and performance of the display.

Benefits: - Better image quality and brightness in displays. - Increased energy efficiency and longevity of the display device.

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Display Technology for Enhanced Visual Experience This technology can be utilized in the consumer electronics industry for manufacturing high-quality displays with superior performance. It can also be integrated into commercial signage and lighting solutions for improved visibility and efficiency.

Prior Art: Further research can be conducted in the field of display technologies, specifically focusing on advancements in light emission control and electrode patterns in display devices.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers are continually exploring new materials and techniques to enhance the functionality and efficiency of display devices. Stay updated on the latest developments in display technology to leverage the benefits of this innovation.

Questions about Display Device Technology: 1. How does the light control pattern improve the performance of the display device? The light control pattern helps regulate the light emission from the display, resulting in better image quality and energy efficiency.

2. What are the key differences between the two electrode patterns in the display device? The first electrode pattern is connected to the light control pattern and extends in one direction, while the second electrode pattern surrounds the light transmission pattern and extends in another direction.

Original Abstract Submitted

a display device includes a substrate including a light emitting area, a light emitting element in the light emitting area on the substrate, an encapsulation layer on the substrate and covering the light emitting element, a light transmission pattern on the encapsulation layer, a light control pattern on the encapsulation layer to surround a side surface of the light transmission pattern, a first electrode pattern on the encapsulation layer to be spaced apart from the light emitting area and to at least partially surround the side surface of the light transmission pattern, extending along a first direction, and directly connected to the light control pattern, and a second electrode pattern on the encapsulation layer to be spaced apart from the light emitting area, disposed to surround the side surface of the light transmission pattern, extending along a second direction, and directly connected to the light control pattern.