Samsung display co., ltd. (20240258492). DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract

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Organization Name

samsung display co., ltd.


Kyung Bae Kim of Seongnam-si (KR)

Hyun Joon Kim of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Kyung Hoon Chung of Yongin-si (KR)

Mee Hye Jung of Suwon-si (KR)

Min Jae Jeong of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Jun Ki Jeong of Yongin-si (KR)

DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240258492 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE

The abstract describes a display device with multiple layers and components, including semiconductor layers, insulating layers, conductive layers, electrode patterns, via holes, and a micro light-emitting element.

  • The display device includes a substrate, semiconductor layer, insulating layers, conductive layers, electrode patterns, via holes, and a micro light-emitting element.
  • The first conductive layer has a first electrode pattern, while the second insulating layer has first and second conductive patterns.
  • The display element layer contains pixel electrodes connected through via holes to the conductive patterns, with a micro light-emitting element between them.
  • The first conductive pattern contacts the semiconductor layer through a contact hole and the first electrode pattern through another contact hole.
  • The second conductive pattern overlaps the first electrode pattern to form a capacitor.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in various types of display devices, such as OLED screens or LED displays. - It can also be applied in electronic devices requiring high-resolution and energy-efficient displays.

Problems Solved: - The technology addresses the need for improved display quality and efficiency in electronic devices. - It provides a solution for creating compact and high-performance display devices.

Benefits: - Enhanced display quality and resolution. - Energy-efficient operation. - Compact design for electronic devices.

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Display Technology for High-Resolution Devices This technology can be utilized in smartphones, tablets, laptops, TVs, and other electronic devices requiring high-quality displays. The market implications include improved user experience, increased demand for devices with superior display capabilities, and potential growth in the display technology sector.

Questions about Display Device Technology: 1. How does the display device technology improve energy efficiency in electronic devices? 2. What are the potential market implications of implementing this advanced display technology in consumer electronics?

Original Abstract Submitted

a display device comprises a substrate, a semiconductor layer thereon, a first insulating layer on the semiconductor layer, a first conductive layer on the first insulating layer and including a first electrode pattern, a second insulating layer on the first insulating layer and including first and second conductive patterns, a third insulating layer on the second conductive layer, and a display element layer on the third insulating layer and including a first pixel electrode connected to the first conductive pattern through a first via hole, a second pixel electrode connected to the second conductive pattern through a second via hole, and a micro light-emitting element between the pixel electrodes, the first conductive pattern contacting the semiconductor layer through a first contact hole and the first electrode pattern through a second contact hole, and the second conductive pattern overlapping the first electrode pattern to form a first capacitor therewith.