ResMed Sensor Technologies Limited (20240260850). SCREENER FOR SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING simplified abstract

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Organization Name

ResMed Sensor Technologies Limited


Stephen Mcmahon of Dublin (IE)

SCREENER FOR SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240260850 titled 'SCREENER FOR SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING

The patent application describes methods and apparatus for detecting events of sleep disordered breathing from an input audio signal, such as from a sound sensor, during a user's sleep.

  • The processor receives the audio signal representing sounds of the user during sleep and determines reliable respiration epochs that include audible breathing and/or snoring.
  • Sleep disordered breathing events like hypopnea, apnea, apnea snoring, or modulated breathing are detected in the reliable respiration epochs, with output generated to indicate the detected events.
  • The apparatus can serve as a cost-effective screening device, especially when implemented as a processor control application for a mobile processing device.

Potential Applications: - Sleep monitoring devices - Sleep disorder diagnostic tools - Health and wellness applications

Problems Solved: - Early detection of sleep disordered breathing events - Cost-effective screening for sleep disorders - Convenient monitoring of breathing patterns during sleep

Benefits: - Improved sleep disorder diagnosis - Enhanced monitoring of respiratory health - Convenient and accessible screening for sleep disorders

Commercial Applications: Sleep clinics, healthcare providers, wearable technology companies

Questions about Sleep Disordered Breathing Detection: 1. How does this technology improve the detection of sleep disordered breathing events?

  - This technology uses audio signals to accurately detect breathing patterns during sleep, enabling early identification of sleep disorders.

2. What are the potential benefits of using a mobile processing device for sleep disorder screening?

  - Using a mobile device for screening allows for convenient and cost-effective monitoring of sleep disordered breathing events.

Original Abstract Submitted

methods and apparatus detect events of sleep disordered breathing from an input audio signal such as from a sound sensor. a processor may be configured to receive the audio signal that represents sounds of a user during a period of sleep. the processor determines reliable respiration epochs from the audio, such as on a frame-by-frame basis, that include periods of audible breathing and/or snoring. the processor detects presence of a sleep disordered breathing events, such as hypopnea, apnea, apnea snoring or modulated breathing, in the reliable respiration epoch(s) and generates output to indicate the detected event(s). optionally, the apparatus may serve as a cost-effective screening device such as when implemented as a processor control application for a mobile processing device (e.g., mobile phone or tablet).