Qualcomm incorporated (20240323649). DETERMINING POSITION INFORMATION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

qualcomm incorporated


Bapineedu Chowdary Gummadi of Hyderabad (IN)

Stephen William Edge of Escondido CA (US)

Xiaoxin Zhang of Sunnyvale CA (US)

Ravi Shankar Kadambala of Hyderabad, Telangana (IN)

DETERMINING POSITION INFORMATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240323649 titled 'DETERMINING POSITION INFORMATION

The abstract describes a patent application for a mobile device that can receive wireless local area network (WLAN) signals, analyze channel state information (CSI) data from these signals, determine environmental characteristics based on the CSI data, and send this information to a location server or use it to determine the device's position.

  • Mobile device receives WLAN signals
  • Analyzes CSI data from signals
  • Determines environmental characteristics
  • Sends information to location server or uses it to determine device position

Potential Applications: - Location-based services - Indoor navigation systems - Environmental monitoring

Problems Solved: - Improving accuracy of location tracking - Enhancing user experience in indoor environments

Benefits: - More precise location information - Better understanding of environmental conditions - Enhanced functionality for mobile devices

Commercial Applications: Title: "Enhanced Location Services for Mobile Devices" This technology could be used in various commercial applications such as: - Retail analytics - Emergency response systems - Asset tracking in warehouses

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior art related to location-based services, indoor navigation systems, and wireless communication technologies to understand the background of this innovation.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers are constantly working on improving location tracking technologies, enhancing wireless communication protocols, and developing new applications for environmental data analysis.

Questions about Mobile Device Environmental Characteristics: 1. How does the mobile device determine environmental characteristics based on WLAN signals? The mobile device analyzes CSI data from WLAN signals to infer environmental characteristics such as signal strength, interference levels, and multipath effects.

2. What are the potential implications of using environmental characteristics for location-based services? By utilizing environmental characteristics, location-based services can offer more accurate and reliable positioning information, especially in indoor environments where GPS signals may be weak or unavailable.

Original Abstract Submitted

a mobile device is disclosed. the mobile device may receive one or more wireless local area network (wlan) signals. the mobile device may determine channel state information (csi) data from the one or more wlan signals. the mobile device may determine one or more environmental characteristics associated with an environment of the mobile device based on the csi data. the mobile device may send information indicative of the one or more environmental characteristics to a location server (ls), or determine a position of the mobile device based at least in part on the one or more environmental characteristics, or any combination thereof.