Micron technology, inc. (20240302991). PLANE BALANCING IN A MEMORY SYSTEM simplified abstract

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Organization Name

micron technology, inc.


John J. Kane of Westminster CO (US)

Byron D. Harris of Mead CO (US)

Vivek Shivhare of Milpitas CA (US)

PLANE BALANCING IN A MEMORY SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240302991 titled 'PLANE BALANCING IN A MEMORY SYSTEM

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes methods, systems, and devices for balancing planes in a memory system. This involves selecting a memory die for writing data, determining available blocks in different planes, and writing data based on block availability.

  • Memory system selects a memory die for writing data
  • Memory die contains multiple planes with blocks of memory cells
  • System determines available blocks in different planes
  • Data is written to planes based on block availability

Key Features and Innovation

  • Selection of memory die for data writing
  • Balancing data across different planes based on block availability

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various memory systems where data needs to be efficiently written and balanced across different planes.

Problems Solved

  • Efficient data writing in memory systems
  • Balancing data across multiple planes


  • Improved performance in memory systems
  • Optimal data distribution across planes

Commercial Applications

Memory System Plane Balancing Technology in Data Centers This technology can be utilized in data centers to enhance the efficiency of memory systems, leading to improved data processing speeds and overall performance.

Prior Art

There may be prior art related to memory system optimization and data writing techniques in memory devices that could provide additional insights into this technology.

Frequently Updated Research

Research on memory system optimization and data writing techniques in memory devices is continuously evolving, with new advancements and innovations being made in the field.

Questions about Memory System Plane Balancing Technology

How does this technology improve data writing efficiency in memory systems?

This technology improves data writing efficiency by selecting the optimal memory die and balancing data across different planes based on block availability.

What are the potential applications of this technology beyond memory systems?

This technology can potentially be applied in various industries where efficient data writing and distribution are essential, such as in IoT devices and embedded systems.

Original Abstract Submitted

methods, systems, and devices for plane balancing in a memory system are described. a memory system may select a memory die for writing a set of data. the memory die may include a plurality of planes each of which may include a respective plurality of blocks of memory cells. based on selecting the memory die, the memory system may determine a first plane of the plurality of planes that has a first quantity of blocks with an availability status and a second plane of the plurality of planes that has a second quantity of blocks with the availability status. the memory system may write the set of data to the plurality of planes, excluding at least the first plane, based at least in part on the first quantity of blocks and the second quantity of blocks.