Lg display co., ltd. (20240215404). DISPLAY APPARATUS simplified abstract

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Organization Name

lg display co., ltd.


Sejong Seong of Paju-si (KR)

SeHong Park of Paju-si (KR)

Wonrae Kim of Paju-si (KR)

Inae Choi of Paju-si (KR)

SeoHyun Nam of Paju-si (KR)

DISPLAY APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240215404 titled 'DISPLAY APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation:

The patent application describes a display apparatus designed to enhance the efficiency of light extraction from a light emitting element layer. The apparatus includes a substrate with pixels and subpixels, a concave pattern portion between subpixels, a reflective portion, and driving lines for the subpixels.

  • The display apparatus surrounds the light emission area with a pattern portion that is concave between subpixels.
  • Reflective portion is placed on the pattern portion to improve light extraction efficiency.
  • Driving lines are positioned in the non-light emission area of the subpixels.
  • At least one of the driving lines partially overlaps the pattern portion.
  • The design aims to increase the overall light emission efficiency of the display.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Enhanced light extraction efficiency from a light emitting element layer.
  • Concave pattern portion between subpixels for improved light extraction.
  • Reflective portion to further enhance light extraction.
  • Driving lines positioned strategically for optimal performance.
  • Overall design to increase light emission efficiency of the display.

Potential Applications:

The technology can be applied in various display devices such as smartphones, tablets, TVs, and monitors.

Problems Solved:

The technology addresses the issue of low light extraction efficiency from light emitting element layers in display devices.


  • Improved brightness and clarity of display screens.
  • Enhanced energy efficiency due to better light extraction.
  • Overall improved performance of display devices.

Commercial Applications:

Potential commercial applications include consumer electronics, digital signage, automotive displays, and wearable technology.

Prior Art:

Readers can explore prior patents related to light extraction efficiency in display technologies to understand the evolution of this innovation.

Frequently Updated Research:

Stay updated on advancements in display technology, materials science, and optics research to further enhance light extraction efficiency in display devices.

Questions about Display Apparatus Technology:

1. How does the concave pattern portion contribute to improving light extraction efficiency? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology in different types of display devices?

Original Abstract Submitted

a display apparatus is provided, which can improve light extraction efficiency of light emitted from a light emitting element layer. in one example, the display apparatus includes a substrate having a plurality of pixels with a plurality of subpixels, a pattern portion disposed on the substrate and formed to be concave between the plurality of subpixels, a reflective portion on the pattern portion, and a plurality of lines for driving the plurality of subpixels. the plurality of subpixels include a light emission area and a non-light emission area adjacent to the light emission area, and the plurality of lines are disposed in the non-light emission area. further, the pattern portion is provided to surround the light emission area, and at least one of the plurality of lines partially overlaps the pattern portion.