Google llc (20240289659). VARIATIONAL QUANTUM STATE PREPARATION simplified abstract

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Organization Name

google llc


Ryan Babbush of Venice CA (US)

Ian David Kivlichan of Cambridge MA (US)

VARIATIONAL QUANTUM STATE PREPARATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240289659 titled 'VARIATIONAL QUANTUM STATE PREPARATION

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes methods, systems, and apparatus for preparing quantum states. It involves defining a target quantum state, approximating time evolution using unitary simulations, evolving the ground state, and adjusting the intermediate state to approximate the target quantum state.

  • Defining a target quantum state of a quantum system
  • Approximating time evolution using unitary simulations
  • Evolving the ground state of the initial Hamiltonian
  • Adjusting the intermediate state to approximate the target quantum state

Key Features and Innovation

  • Method for preparing quantum states using a total Hamiltonian that interpolates between initial and target Hamiltonians
  • Utilization of truncated linear combinations of unitary simulations for time evolution
  • Variational adjustment of the intermediate state to determine a wavefunction approximating the target quantum state

Potential Applications

  • Quantum computing
  • Quantum cryptography
  • Quantum communication systems

Problems Solved

  • Efficient preparation of target quantum states
  • Improved accuracy in approximating quantum states
  • Streamlined quantum state preparation processes


  • Enhanced precision in quantum state preparation
  • Reduction in computational resources required
  • Facilitates advancements in quantum technologies

Commercial Applications

      1. Quantum State Preparation Technology: Revolutionizing Quantum Computing and Communication Systems

This technology has the potential to significantly impact industries reliant on quantum technologies, such as quantum computing, cryptography, and communication systems. By enabling efficient and accurate preparation of quantum states, it opens up new possibilities for innovation and development in these fields.

Prior Art

There are existing methods and systems for preparing quantum states, but the specific approach outlined in this patent application, involving the interpolation of Hamiltonians and variational adjustment of states, presents a novel and potentially more effective technique.

Frequently Updated Research

Ongoing research in quantum computing and quantum information processing may lead to further advancements in quantum state preparation techniques. Stay updated on the latest developments in this rapidly evolving field to leverage the full potential of this technology.

Questions about Quantum State Preparation

How does quantum state preparation differ from classical state preparation methods?

Quantum state preparation involves manipulating quantum systems to achieve desired states, which can exhibit superposition and entanglement properties not present in classical systems. This requires specialized techniques and algorithms tailored to quantum mechanics.

What are the challenges in accurately approximating target quantum states using current methods?

Accurately approximating target quantum states poses challenges due to the complexity of quantum systems and the need for precise control over quantum states. Variational methods and truncated simulations aim to address these challenges by optimizing the preparation process.

Original Abstract Submitted

methods, systems and apparatus for performing quantum state preparation. in one aspect, a method includes the actions of defining a target quantum state of a quantum system, wherein time evolution of the quantum system is governed by a target hamiltonian, and defining a total hamiltonian that interpolates between an initial hamiltonian and the target hamiltonian, wherein the total hamiltonian is equal to the initial hamiltonian at an initial time and is equal to the target hamiltonian at a final time; approximating the time evolution of the total hamiltonian using a truncated linear combination of unitary simulations to generate a truncated time evolution operator; evolving a ground state of the initial hamiltonian according to the truncated time evolution operator for a truncated number of time steps to generate an intermediate state; and variationally adjusting the intermediate state to determine a wavefunction that approximates the target quantum state of the quantum system.